Elder. Antonio L. Shy profile picture

Elder. Antonio L. Shy

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Praise the Lord everybody...I am Elder Antonio L. Shy, Pastor of the Beulah Refuge Church in Marshalls Creek, PA. (a.k.a. the POCONOS)The Lord has blessed me to pastor a great ministry, full of annointed saints on fire for God. I thank God for me First Lady-Lady Christina Shy, who has stuck be my side through the thick and than. And it is only because, of God's grace and mercy, and his favor upon our lives that we have made it thus far. But, we shall not stop here. The Lord is taking us to higher heights in him. Come stuggles, storms, enemies, or whatever that comes our way. We shall never fail to give God all PRAISE, GLORY AND HONOR DUE TO HIM.P.S., Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. (PSALMS 24:7)REMEMBER NO MATTER WHAT WE GO THROUGH OUR GOD IS ALWAYS ABLE...!

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