Mary Sarah profile picture

Mary Sarah

Our Hearts in the World

About Me

Hailed as having the ability to bring the listener towards deeper personal and social consciousness, Mary Sarah & Elements of Return swirl around the musical globe creating a sonic sanctuary from which we return different than when we arrived. Drawing heavily on roots music concepts, ambient sounds, diverse percussion and vocal styles of world cultures, they beckon us with a new musical experience, reaching us in unexpected ways. Our goal is to create a connection. Music to emotion and emotion to community, states Sarah.Mary Sarahs artistic journey began in kindergarten, when much to her mother's surprise, she would donne a headress made of dish towels and dance around the house for hours. By age 11, she was singing and dancing professionally. At fifteen she began to explore the link between spirituality and culture, opening her voice to diverse vocal styles as well as pursue the study of West African drumming and dance, indigenous folk music, classical piano and acting.Meeting producer and musician Danys Levasseur, Levasseur and Sarah's work together culminated in the 1998 release, O and their 2001 release, "Oh, We." Their collaboration has continued across the border with performances, tours, more recordings and a commitment to bring the essence of what they were discovering into the world scene.Mary Sarah & Elements of Return have been cited alongside Brian Eno, Laurie Anderson and Peter Gabriel as innovators. Like their compatriots, they are emerging through their unique voice and originality. Crossing genres and without formulas, they are not afraid to take risks.In 2004, Mary Sarah & Elements of Return were chosen as Independent Artist of the month by Independent Songwriter as well as Women in Rock. The national US debut of their new show, "Returnings," at The New Jersey Performing Arts Centers Underground Performance Series in Newark, NJ, in 2005, allowed them to showcase their work as one of nine bands chosen to perform in a select offering of New Jerseys finest artists. Other highly profiled events in which they have appeared include; Tilling Grace, a benefit concert to rebuild the gardens of Kabul, Afghanistan, sponsored by Eve Ensler and Siobhan Fitzpatrick, Choice Jams- New York, sponsored by NARAL, The Diplomatic Conference on Conflict Resolution at The United Nations and several Canadian tours performing at such venues as; le Theatre Parminou in Victoriaville, le Petit Medley, le lion d'Or, la Butte St. Jacques, le Sergeant Recreteur in Montreal and le club Arthabaska.Together, Mary Sarah & Elements of Return conclude with the fact that, We are forces of nature. If we can help people feel that and return to a sense of their natural state, that is what we hope for.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/29/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Mary Sarah, Danys Levasseur, Cedric Allard, Sebastian Michel, and guests
Influences: Dead Can Dance, Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush, Rachid Taha, Sheila Chandra, Depeche Mode, U2, Nina Simone, Daniel Lanois, Annie Lennox, Geoffrey Oreyama, Ismael Lo, Geradina Travato
Type of Label: None