Well...I say "FUCK" alot.
People have a tendancy to want me in their lives...most of the time it's bad...like, people want to kill me.
I like the color cornflower.
I drink A LOT of wine.
Cigarettes are MY way of sticking it to the O-Zone layer
I moved to Russia from San Diego. MIGHT have been a bad idea
I have that sort of face...people know me.
I get MySpace stalkers from time to time. Most of the time it's girls wanting to know WHY their husband/boyfriend/fiance/delivery boy is one of my friends...
Relax ladies...it's no biggie. They just want to get in my pants.
I've come to realize that I will not go to my 20 year reunion. Everyone I want to know about, I already do via myspace.
I'm a REALLY mean girl. Like to the point where I should be pushed in front of a bus.
I've always secretly wanted to know what it would be like to get a blow job...but that would entail me getting a penis...and I just don't think I want to invest in one right now...what with the economy and all.
I'm quite selfish. It's always about me...at least it's about me in my own head...I forget that the WORLD is happening OUTSIDE my head.
I mutter things under my breath. 90% of the time, it's usually either a swear word or just plain mean.
I probably shouldn't talk so much shit...but it's always about people I don't know...so it shouldn't count towards karma points.
Buuut....forreally though. I'm a genuine person who genuinely likes everyone. I will always give people chances, most of the time it's 3 or 4 chances...that's how easy I am...I hold my friends up there with the Greek gods, so don't cross them...or me. If you do, be prepared to have your life ruined...and yes, it HAS happend before...it WILL happen again...especially if you judge us.
And it IS true that people don't like me at first glance. It's an approach issue. I have that face that makes people judge....and it's always bad...but trust me, once you get to know me, you'll realize why people love me, and will fight for me over you.
And last but NEVER least. I keep my profile public..because I have nothing to hide...from anybody. I do appreciate when a stranger messages me and tells me something cool or nice. I don't, however like when my profile is used as ammo against another person. Which means...dear lovely...when you see a picture of me with your boyfriend or girlfriend...don't get upset, don't get mad...be happy that I have nothing to hide from you, and be happy that your boyfriend/girlfriend knows someone cooler than you. Remember...I can be a REALLY mean girl.
Thank you...and KISS MY ASS!!!