gazsexybeastmonster profile picture


read this if ur a gay

About Me

gaz is th best! welcomeness to my page of space! well im gaz, fish in the day...daniel bedingford at night, people call me gaz, mate, dude, man, sexy, gorgeous, fitty, and on occasions lover! just finished cooolege, now on a mission to travel the world and become a hippy! just got back from doin a season in ibiza, was the bestest, met some quality peeps and had some messy messy times! if you dont know me then you should cos i am actually the best at stick fighting!

ibiza well good !

peace up A town down xx MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

pick it, lick it, roll it, flick it!

I'd like to meet:

scarlett johansson phworr!


dirty electro and trance. soft spot for acoustic. sick chilled out kinda way. p.s can play 4 chords on the guitar.


filmserrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamerrry christmas?


zap and bernards watch proper classics. newsround is fun. planet earth hits the spot.


myspace for dummies

