hating me wont make u pretty profile picture

hating me wont make u pretty

dnt wana sleep, dnt wana die, jst wana travel through the pastures of the sky

About Me

Her skin is white as cloth, and shes all sewn apart, and she has many coloured pins sticking out of her heart,She has a beautiful set of hypno-disk eyes, the ones that she uses to hypnotise guyes,She has many different zombies, who are deeply in her trance, She even has a zombie who was originally from france,But she knows she has a curse on her, a curse she cannot win, for if someone gets too close to her, the pins stick further in.

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Contact Tables #
Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me by onmyown2723
Height:: 5 ft 2
Weight:: 7st
Right or left-handed:: both
Heritage:: scottish
Are you in love?:: i am yes
How do you alleviate stress?:: breaking things
Do you swear?:: every fukin second fukin word
If you could have any job, what would it be?:: artist :)
What are your favorite sports to watch?:: none
What was your first car?:: im still waiting o nmy 1st car
What kind of car do you have now?:: i drive me dads corsa
Were you popular in high school?:: kinda in the middle
Do you like thunderstorms?:: love em
Is the glass half empty or half full?:: hek i wasnt even given a glass
Best places you have ever been?:: blackpool, spain
Favorite food?:: chiken pizza
Least favorite food?:: anything from the sea
What type of music do you dislike most?:: r n b
Do you take illegal drugs?:: course not
Do you believe in love at first sight?:: somtimes
If you're not in love now, have you ever been?:: mwahah
Are you a risk taker?:: id love to b, gonna b more spontaneous now
What do you think about most?:: life
Ever cheated on a b/f or g/f? Be honest!:: i have
Have you ever been to jail?:: nope
Do you wear contacts or glasses?:: contacts durin day, glasses at nite
Hugs or kisses?:: both
Living arrangements?:: with me parents
What is your bedtime?:: 2am
Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?:: i aint a boy
Piercings/tattoos?:: 2 piercings, 3 tattoos
Biggest pet peeve?:: my things bein moved
I have low tolerance for people who:: are fat + wear smal clothes
Do you sleep with the T.V. on?:: nope cnt. tis too loud
Do you have a T.V. in your bedroom?:: yes
Can you handle the truth?:: not really no. coz truth is always bad
Hair color?:: brown
What are you afraid of?:: clowns+paper..also the truth lol
Will you have sex with any pretty little thing or does it actually mean something?:: i find it hard to say no lol
Friend you've had the longest?:: david i ges. bout 15 yrs
Early bird or night owl?:: both
Best advice you've ever received?:: *jump off tht bridge* lol
Favorite quote?:: "smug mode initiated"
Favorite type of music?:: emmm probably music from the 80s lol
Biggest weakness?:: love
Biggest fear?:: lol paper
Are you close to your parents?:: yup
Any brothers or sisters?:: nope none
Have a religion?:: emmm its my own religion(dnt worry i aint in a cult)
Views on politics?:: dnt giv a shit
Worst habits?:: i get angry v.easily
What's one thing you'd like to do but haven't done yet?:: swim with sharks
Where do you picture yourself in five years?:: fuk knows
Are you laid back or high strung?:: high strung
Do you like to try new things?:: depends wot it is lol
Is family important to you?:: i ges
Are you optimistic or pessimistic?:: pessimistic
Have you ever been engaged?:: i have
Favorite places you've been?:: uv asked tht alredy lol
Are you a procrastinator?:: huh? a wot?
Fly or drive?:: drive
Favorite pasttime?:: card making
Longest relationship?:: 2yrs
Biggest mistake?:: leaving college
Craziest thing you've ever done?:: attacked sum1(he deserved it haha)
Like to party?:: sometimes
Drink a lot (of alcohol)?:: lol not alot no
Set your own path or follow the crowd?:: my own path
Like kids?:: depends who they belong 2
*In a boyfriend/girlfriend*
Hair color?:: dark
Body type?:: slim
Personality?:: lke mine
Style of clothing?:: different
Do they have to be popular?:: nope
Turn-on?:: me
Long hair or short?:: longish
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My Interests

errrmmm....*thinks* i am a textile artist + a card maker. hopefully getting my site set up soon- dunno if it will be to sell art work or to have it as a modelling site...jst have to wait and see....watch this space!!

I'd like to meet:

Rik Mayall- no mtter how shit life is.put on Rik Mayall + ull piss ur pants!! :P id like to meet up with my grandad..coz i miss him.grrrr hehe. but if i really HAD to meet Noel Fielding...then i guess ill just have to deal with it.
.. Pimp My Profile


Primal Scream are my favourite at the mo but u never no...it mite change tomorrow. really feeling the feeling....gettit. + im mad about adam ant, david bowie+the beatles
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Zoolander, Labyrinth, The Breakfast Club, The Goonies, Ghostbusters...anything cheesy really hehe+of course back to the future doc! ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
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Red Dwarf, Blackadder, Father Ted, Family Guy, Friends..ermmm.....funny things i ges lol


favourite author of the mo is Neil Gaiman. hes ace. i wanna b a fairy. tis easier tht way. always have love for patricia cornwall,j k rowling and nicci french


steve irwin, george harrison, rik mayall. emmm+ i wanna say that cary elwes is amazing- i love that guys voice :)and i wish that david attenborough was my grandad :D hes amazin..i learn so much hehe

My Blog

goodbyyyyeeee every1

rite guys thts me away....fed up with all this shiteness. if u need me txt me on 07932537399 or email me at [email protected]. bye bye
Posted by hating me wont make u pretty on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 03:26:00 PST

oooo wot does ur dream mean?

rite so this was my dream:- *a certain person*'s arm had been cut off, so he jst had a stump. + coz he was angry he poked my hamsters eyeballs out. shokin. so then i got stressed + my teeth fell ...
Posted by hating me wont make u pretty on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 12:39:00 PST

driving test

yaaay! passed my driving test- with only 7 faults. was otld to ignore 3 of them coz he was bein petty. yaaaay im so kool *dances* ...
Posted by hating me wont make u pretty on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 03:43:00 PST

death day hehe

its a sad day- sea monkeys all died....ll at once 4 sum reason...hmm... but there is good news everybody....*drumroll* little baby hammond shall b broght home tomoro!!! to b cared for yaaaaaayyy all e...
Posted by hating me wont make u pretty on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 11:40:00 PST

peices of shite

very weird wen u find out sum1 u trusted is a worthless peice of piss. always the same tho isnt it? ...
Posted by hating me wont make u pretty on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 09:47:00 PST


grrrrrr tis a very boring time after haf ten!!! booooooo!!! LALALALALALA!!!...
Posted by hating me wont make u pretty on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 03:03:00 PST