Music,music,Friends,movies,everything and everyone.I like to laugh(a lot) and have fun with my man, my friends and my kids
I dont mind if your small or tall...girl or boy...naughty or nice...well behave or love or outta love...happy or in pain...I will take you all even if your a little freak its Myspace for godsake anything can happen here baby!!
My life changed when i discovered Nofx,The offsprings,Pennywise and Green Day back in 1993.You remember Punk-o-rama??Ive always been a big fan of music,thanks to my dad and all the riding in car listening to Bon Jovi,Scorpions,Van Halen and every rock bands of the 80's enjoying the road ,a cofee crisp and a good old orangina...But when I first listened to Punk music I just became addicted...Heres a buch of artist i like... Blink 182,Plus44,Beastie Boys,No use for a name,Pennywise,Bad religion,Rancid,The Donnas,Electrocute,Simple Plan,Reset,Subb,Sum41,Lagwagon,Weezer,Metalica,The Rollins band(Henry Rollins),The Strokes,The Hives,The Living end,Against me!,Anti-flag...Old classics:The Clash,The Beatles,The Rolling Stone,Jerry Lee Lewis,Johnny Cash,Elvis...I like every music except for love/makes me cry music...When I was 16 my mom told me that i wouldnt still be listening to Punk music when i would have kids but i still do...My kids already have their favorites punk-rock songs...Our favorite band these days is my brothe's band "Les SS"(they're cars fans,not Hitler's) Go check their profile they rockkkk!!!.. .
My favorite classic of all time is Cry baby...I've watch it at least a undred times...I havent seen it in about 8 years and i can still remember the lines and the songs...I also liked Walk the line,Grease 1 and 2 ,Hairspray(the original),Great balls of fire,Dirty dancing,C.R.A.Z.Y.,Natural born killer,Menace for society,Dead poet society,Reality bites...Im a huge fan of comic movies.In fact thats almost the only section I go for when I rent a movie.Ace Ventura is my funniest movie of all time!! .. .. ..
Friends is my favorite of all!!They still make me laugh and the show is over...I watch the dvds, I know every lines and I still laugh until I cry...I also like One tree hill and Gilmore Girls(I am a girl after all)and I found That 70's show absolutely hilarious!!Il ne faut surtout pas oublier mon best,Dans une galaxie pres de chez vous...Rien au monde ne me fait partir comme eux!!Samanta oups! aussi est assez hilarant!!Je viens de recevoir Radio-enfer en dvd et ca rappelle de vieux souvenirs!! I have trouble saying it but I am kind of a "voyeur"...i like some reality shows
Too nevrotic to read but I used to read a lot before I had kids now in my spare time I dont read a go oout!!Lolll Fav of all times:Bram Stocker's Dracula
Drew Barrymore... She had it very hard and she came out of everything as a very strong and beautiful woman...She is so confident about herself, and so kind.She won the respect of everyone in hollywood...She's my best...My childhood heroe is without any doubt Madonna!!Every songs she sang in the 80's remember me of a lot of things...It's like shes the soundtrack of my childhood!!