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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

When I was 14 I decided that the only way to break free of the mundane suburban lifestyle was to be part of something. I was a huge fan of players like Jimi Hendrix, Jimi Page, Clapton, Sholtz, Van Halen so I purchased an electric guitar to emulate my heros growing up. I took it to the next level so I decided to join a local punk band at the of age 15 playing loud hard fast music. I adored not only great rock music of the 70's but Punk rock of the early to mid 80's. The sounds of Steve Jones of the Sex Pistols , Rikk Agnew of the Adolescents, Hetson from Black Flag/Circle Jerks/Redd Kross and countless others who paved the road for me. These players were not technically innovative but they for some reason had the ability to project an attitude. An attitude so timeless it can still be seen in today's underground music subculture. I went to the Torrance Library and saw this old book of 21 electronic projects and seen a circuit that could be used with an electric guitar for "rock tones". I quickly put it in my back pack and skateboarded home. As the wind rushed through my purple liberty spiked hair doo with the knox geletin melting from the sun on to my forehead my only thought was to build this device with my dad's soldering iron he kept in the garage. The biggest problem were the unavailable parts that was listed in the project book. The book included pictures of these electronic components so I decided to canibalize my dads piece-o-shit transistor radio and use the parts that were in there. I soldered everything together and applied power to it. I turned up my amp and then I struct an "A" chord and to my surprise I heard a buzzy note but it was so terrible sounding, it was like someone was killing a cat with all that screeching. I saw smoke so I disconnected the power to it and I realized all the parts I "borrowed" from my dad's radio was burnt to a crisp. I desoldered the components and shoved them back into his radio.

As the years went on, I attended engineering school and my understanding of electronics and the affiliated components became more clear to me as I began building little boxes that could do wonderful things. I worked part-time as a electronics tech at the Nuclear Power plant in San Diego while I attended college. I eventually formed another band and got signed to various labels and toured up and down the west coast. A month had gone by and a friend of mine had given me an MXR distortion+ pedal for repair. The music store turned him away and told him to buy a new one. I found the schematic and I eventually repaired it in a matter of minutes. He gave it back to me and asked for a hot-rodded version so I changed various components on the circuit board. The results were amazingly different and with a little bit of electrical engineering theory, a stock effect can be customized to a specific set-up. I knew the next logical step was to build my own effects so I decided to start my own company "PROTON VINTAGE EFFECT PEDALS" . This company is dedicated to those amazing rock tones of the 60's and 70's which in my opinion, is truly inspiring for the garage and professional musician alike.
PROTON EFFECT PEDALS are made in the USA all handbuilt and can be customized upon request. I use very high quality components and every pedal is true to its specification sheet. I believe in building and designing useful effects that range from mild to wild. Pedals that I currently offer are:

Atom Splitter:A boost/distortion for bass that can give you a Jack Bruce tone with very synth like decay when the gain is at maximum. Can be modified for expression pedal useage.

Atomic Fusion:This is the same pedal as the Atom Splitter but optimized for guitar. Gives a nice boost for distortion type tones with a +20db of boost/distortion. Can be modified for expression pedal usage.

Line Boost:A very clean boost pedal with mild distortion when turned all the way up. Integrated circuit uses FET's instead of silicon transistors to give a very warmlike tube tone. Can also be used as a volume pedal when modified for expression pedal usage. This pedal not only boosts the signal but attenuates it as well. This booster not only accentuates the highs but lows as well because of its wide frequency response. Works for bass and guitar. It blows the competition out of the water.

Optica Wah:This is an inductorless wah pedal that utilizes Optics and Infrared LEDs to vary the frequency so no mechanical moving parts can wear out as in typical wah pedals. The filtering can be modified to an amplfier/pick-up/guitar set up and parameters must be specified before purchasing.

Dynamic Wah:This utilizes the same technology as the Optica but filtering is tracked by the guitarist picking dynamics. Can also be modified for expression pedal usage.

Tuner/mute:This is a true bypass pedal that routes the guitar or bass signal into a tuner and mutes the amplifier so tuning can be done with complete silence.

Buffer/Blend/looper:This is a looper/blend pedal that has the ability to drive at least 10 effects in series. The active circuit buffers the bass/guitar signal and blends the two via the 100k ohm potentiometer. When the looper is de-activated it is true bypassed so no tone coloration is present. When rotated in either wet or dry mode, there is no evidence of bleed through. A low pass filter is also present to re-enhance any low end loss with vintage fuzz boxes.

"Having been part of the music scene for over 20 years, I want my boxes to enhance your playing and performance ability in the same way it has enchanced mine. I offer a plethora of tones that reach new sonic possibilities."

All pedals are true by-pass and are guaranteed to "ROCK YOUR FUCKEN SOCKS OFF"

Love Always,




My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has a broad understanding of music technology. Weird Mad scientist type people who design and build strange and off the wall things. Anyone who can give me the design specs of an IPOD. Anyone who can design an IPOD from scratch. Anyone who hates those IPODS and how they all started that gross earbud trend. Anyone who knows who Harvey Klinger is. People who like discussing important topics like Clint Howard and Chaka from "land of the lost". Anyone who thinks Yoshinoya is Japanese food. I'd also like to meet the Whittier high school wrestling coach since I was told I was his twin. People who still card me at the 6740 bar in uptown Whittier. Any of the Japanese Americans who fought in WW2 and dealt with hardships when they returned.

My Blog

End of the smokey machines 
Posted by on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 21:49:00 GMT

New Tremolo Pedal

I have added a new tremolo to my pedal line.  This is based on a very hard to find British Invasion toggle like effect.  The "electron spin" has the conventional rate and depth con...
Posted by on Tue, 15 May 2007 21:07:00 GMT

Este Nuevo

The "Blackbox" is finally done and the prototype is working; the production model will be currently for sale soon.  The blackbox is truly in a class by itself with programmable parameters stored ...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 06:16:00 GMT

Totally Tubular THIS PEDAL IS SOLD

Proton Effects releases it's newest distortion pedal based on the popular Electro Harmonics "hot tubes" pedal.  This effect pedal utilizes a digital CMOS gates that replicate tube like characteri...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 17:04:00 GMT

radio crap

I don't like to complain on this particular myspace page because I have reserved this exclusively for my pedals.  In this case, I shall make an exception because nothing bothers me more than...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 20:20:00 GMT

Bass true by-pass blendo pedal

Proton has designed a new bass true by-pass loop/blend pedal for bass players who hate having the low end loss with conventional guitar distortion units.  The blend function takes two c...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 13:32:00 GMT

Dynamica wah

The Dynamica Wah pedal is in its final stages and a production version shall be available soon.  This was inspired by the Electro Harmonix Dr Q and Qtron tracking filter pedal. This is for all of...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 08:59:00 GMT

Line booster number 12 sold

I sold another happy customer a line boost pedal today.  This makes number 12.  I shall be posting more ideas and pedal concepts soon.  If anyone has requests or ideas they want to disc...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 17:44:00 GMT

Atomic Fusion Pedal number 2 sold

Atomic Fusion pedal #2 was sold last night.  I was told that this had the cleanest distortion he had ever heard...whatever that means?   Love Always, Neal Ogasawara Musician/Engineer
Posted by on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 06:03:00 GMT

Dynamic Range LED

All Proton effects now come with a Dynamic Range LED to track your instument's input signal.  This is a good visual aid for the adjusment of your picking dynamics live or in the studio.  It ...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 06:00:00 GMT