I'm a very varied person, and if there are mates around, that's all I need. Seriously, I would jump off the Empire State Building if we made it a day out.
It's not like my mates are around all the time but I've found sun bathing quite a fun thing to do, especially when you take speakers and blast ipod outside. So starting to do a lot more of that.
Playing games was a great hobby but been drifting away from that now for a bit.
Sports are great, sure i'll play football but I prefer a good bike ride, walk or a swim.
Watching films can be a nice unwinding night, but as long as there is no interuptions with the lights down low! OHHHHH YERRRRR
Anthony Hopkins:
Loved all his work and even though I can imagine he would be REALLLY boring maybe? I would still love to meet.
Robin Williams
What a character! Maybe if he was a bit younger, I would surely like to go with this guy to an amusement park for a day
David Attenborough
Call me sad, but I love his shows and I watch them whenever on TV. He's been EVERYWHERE imaginable in the world and would be amazing to ask what his favourite places was.
Probably an endless list, or atleast what I could fit on Myspace, I'll give you a quick overview of what comes to mind first.
Free Days Grace
They Might Not Be Giants
Seeing Guardian
Mage Against The Machines
Rockin Eye Movement
Fucking Hot Chilli Peppers
Chris De Burn
Silver Presley. (I know! :S)
Rob Dougan (Instrumentalist)
Thinkin Park
Jichael Mackson
No Patrol
In Blames
30 seconds to Mars Bars
Pleasantville - Amazing whoever managed to relate this film to racism. It's so fucking awesome!
Pay It Forward - Something I think we should all take a lesson from, and Hayley Osment is a great actor.
Instinct - Anthony Hopkins played a great role in this as long as with that black guy too. I forget his name. Really shows you the value of life and how humanity sucks.
300! - WHAT. A. FILM. Only film I have ever paid the cinema to see twice. Just the storyline and the script made this film top quality.
I don't really watch much TV as my sister hogs it.
But if I do manage to get a chance, I'll check for movies and then search for my favourites;
Two and a Half Men
Top Gear
and South Park
Profile Generator
Will add tomorrow...