wrestle with zombies; force people to believe in goat; drinking with sailor, weber, goatl, terror, randall, luxus, nurse and our reverend
...elvis and falco on a heavy trip in the middle of a desert... ...my inner goat...
kick the bass loud and slow, baby
low budget, jarmusch, b-movies, weird 80s science fiction stuff, mexican wrestling horror movies, the coen brothers and porn
is a very good medium to influence peoples thoughts
dirty sex ..n crime stuff, comics, philosophy, hesse, shaw, sailor tails, and stories from the good old days
all the brave policemen out there, who every day risk their lifes to protect ours and keep the hood save for our children ... and of course WILE E. COYOTE (Fuck You RoadRunner - you with your pretty face and your fast feet!!!!!!!!! your luck means nothing - someday he will get you and eat you!!!!!!!)