About Me
In the summer of 1997, this former advertising executive [from New Port Richey, FL] left all he ever knew to pursue his heart 'n soul dream... to make his mark and ink his name in the country music history books. After spending just a few short years in Music City USA, this singer/songwriter slowly came to the conclusion that he didn't quite fit the major label mold...and he knew himself well enough to know that being told what kind of music he should sing, how he should walk or talk, what he should wear, or the crowd he should be hanging out with wasn’t going to fit his character. Daniel Lee knew exactly who he was way before he arrived in Music City, and that would be the very reason for his success.His story is simply amazing...In March of 1996, Daniel Lee Martin was at the top of his game. A CEO and owner of a successful twelve-year old advertising agency, he handled accounts from local independent businesses to Fortune 500 companies. It looked as though his future was already scripted. His reputation for his business savvy preceded him. Daniel Lee was invited to become a member of the planning committee for one of Florida's biggest events, The Chasco Fiesta. He was appointed marketing director and handled the day-to-day marketing and advertising decisions that were crucial in making the event what it is today. Weeks before the final day of the fiesta and the country concert [that brings 5,000 country music fans in from across the state], the committee realized that securing an opening act for the concert had been overlooked. Just as quick as panic set in, one of the board members suggested they book Daniel Lee Martin to perform as the opening act. [Sidebar: At the time, Daniel Lee Martin was a young closet musician who had never performed in front of anyone except family.] Offered the opportunity to perform his first concert in front of 5,000 fans, up ’n comer Daniel Lee Martin opened the event, taking the stage with Bryan White and Lee Roy Parnell.Daniel Lee Martin was in the right place at the right time and had the faith to recognize it. "I could have said no and gone on with my life, but I had prayed for an opportunity like that since I was a child. I put it in God's hands and he delivered like he has so many times in my life. This was an opportunity of a lifetime."Daniel Lee moved to Nashville in June of 1997 and planted his feet deep in Music City soil. He began his life over again…in more ways than one. A marriage that quickly felt the effects of a grueling music career vanished a little over a year after the move. A career that he worked so hard to build faded behind him and a new career was about to unfold. But the music business isn’t anything like the advertising industry. "Your success in advertising is based on the quality of product you put forth, plain and simple. You develop a great ad campaign and you're on top of the world. But in the music business, you can create amazing music and you could still be 4-5 years away from a deal, airplay or distribution and that's the cold hard truth," said Daniel Lee. So he created a self-designed marketing campaign of his own.In 2002, with the help and support of three-time World Series Champion, Todd Stottlemyre, the ChinMusic Record label was formed and the journey began. Being fully aware of the challenges before him, Daniel Lee knew his approach had to be outside of the norm. "Our game plan had to be different from everyone elses," says Daniel Lee. "In order to be accepted, we had to look like a major label act. But, we didn’t have the spending luxuries of a major act. So we did everything in-house for the first album—the graphics, photography, the website—we did it all ourselves. We had a bare bone's budget on the first album, but knew the material and the production team were the best in Nashville and somehow, we made it all happen."Once the album was released in March of 2004, Daniel Lee knew he couldn’t just sit back and expect to see records fly off the shelves, not without a plan that would come straight out of the grassroots efforts of years gone by. Daniel went back to a tradition that used to be usual course of business for a new artist - a Wal-Mart tour. With the help of CMR distributors, Daniel Lee worked to coordinate one of biggest Wal-Mart tours in history - 12 shows a week, two a day for six days. The Wal-Mart tour became a way of life for this determined entertainer.During the twenty-month tour, Daniel Lee visited and performed at more than 300 Wal-Mart stores across the United States. The ambitious schedule quickly became the talk of the industry. Daniel’s endeavor was documented in the book, "I Don't Need a Record Deal! Your Survival Guide for the Indie Music Revolution." He was highlighted in the book along with legendary producer Billy Jo Walker and Clint Black.Daniel Lee's accomplishments were also recognized throughout Nashville and across the globe. The first two singles from his critically acclaimed debut album ALL THAT I AM reached number 52 and 30 on the country charts. His self penned second single "I Can't Let Go" reached number 12 in Europe. Daniel Lee Martin soon became the most talked about independent artist in 2004 (CMT Magazine).Two years later, Daniel Lee's sophomore album, ON MY WAY TO YOU, is on its way to stores everywhere. With Jan Stolpe at the helm once again, the best of the best pickers lending their talents and Nashville's premier songwriters contributing their gifts, along with Daniel Lee's passion for being the best he can be, ON MY WAY TO YOU promises to be one of Country Music's top albums in 2007. The CD features 15 cuts with contributions by Rivers Rutherford, Tom Shapiro, Anthony Smith, Andrea Stolpe and Daniel Lee has one of his own on the album, Moonshine Momma. As a compliment to Daniel’s entertainment career, he signed on with The Sportsman Channel to host his very own, original series, titled "Backstage and Backroads with Daniel Lee Martin.†The first show will air April 2007. Cameras will follow Daniel Lee as he continues his journey into Country Music history, sharing his stories and the "true-to-life style" that has made him a fan favorite worldwide. Once he leaves the stage, the television audience will share the other passion in his life--the great outdoors. Daniel Lee has been an outdoorsman since the day he was born. His love for hunting and fishing rival only his love for music. “Backstage and Backroads†is the consummate reality show. "It is what it is,†Daniel Lee introduces. "I want folks to see the real me... snoring, slipping, falling, burping, you name it. I'm as normal as the next person and I want my fans to remember that, always. Regardless of whether I'm accepting awards, on the stage or on the television screen, I'll always be the same guy, regardless of where I am in my career.""I've always said, I would rather have persistence than talent. I know there's a bunch of folks out there who would agree with me wholeheartedly and that's great. I believe it's persistence that got me here and as long as I remain consistent with persistence, I’m here to stay."
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