Tahoma Baptist Church profile picture

Tahoma Baptist Church

Expect something great to happen...

About Me

Tahoma Baptist Church was started on July 16th, 2006 by Pastor Aaron Shipman.Our goal is to help you meet Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and to help you grow in your Christian life as you learn more about the Bible.As a strong Bible believing church, we will help you understand God's Word and God's Heart. As a friendly church, we will become a "home" where you can find friends and fun for your whole family.We are here to serve you... to help you understand how God's love can help every part of your life. We are a young church, with a friendly spirit and a big heart. We look forward to serving your entire family.We meet every Sunday morning at 11:00am and Sunday evenings at 5:00pm. Our address is 1209 Central Ave. South,#131 Kent, WA 98032. Our phone # is (253)239-3245. Email:[email protected]/

My Interests

Evangelism, serving people, family.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ. Actually, all who receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior have met Him already.


Gospel hymns


The Holy Bible~(King James)LAWS OF BIBLE STUDYEvery Christian is commanded to "STUDY" the Word of God according to 2 Timothy 2:15-- "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." However, this command is removed from every modern bible version on the market. Only the King James Bible has it! Now who do you suppose would be against a child of God giving himself to the STUDY of God's Word (Gen. 3:1)? Several things should be noticed from 2 Timothy 2:15:1) THE PROJECT -- "Study…" This will require time, energy, and commitment. 2) THE PERSON -- "…to shew thyself..." It is our responsibility. No one can do our Bible study for us. 3) THE PURPOSE-- "…approved unto God…" We are not seeking man's approval, but God's. 4) THE PROFESSION-- "…a workman…" Bible study is WORK, and requires the skills of a craftsman. 5) THE PROFICIENCY-- "…that needeth not to be ashamed…" The person who studies the Word of God, will not be ashamed when confronted by the Mormons, charismatics, or J.W.'s 6) THE PRESCRIPTION-- "…rightly dividing…" The key to understanding the Bible is to know the principles of right division. 7) THE PRECEPTS-- "…the word of truth…" It is essential the student approach the Bible as "the word of TRUTH." We don't judge the Bible; the Bible judges us. Let God be true and every man a liar.There are several methods of Bible study that may be employed to arrive at a correct understanding of Bible truth. In hermeneutics (interpretation) there are certain principles or laws that must be observed in our study of God's Word. They are:I. Law of Application-- Application of Scripture may be made only after the correct doctrinal meaning has been determined. II. Law of Literal Interpretation-- When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense, lest it make non-sense. III. Law of First Mention-- God has order the meaning of a word in it's first occurrence in Scripture as to forecast how that word would be associated in the rest of the Scriptures. IV. Law of Progressive Mention-- God make the revelation of any given truth increasingly clear as the Word proceeds to its consummation. V. Law of Subsequent Mention-- God in later Scripture adds details to prior events, or give events never before recorded. VI. Law of Context--The meaning of any particular element is controlled by what precedes and what follows. A verse out of context is a pre-text. VII. Law of Discrimination-- The Scriptures must be divided so as to make a distinction where God makes a difference. VIII. Law of Agreement--God will not set forth any passage in His Word which contradicts any other passage. IX. Law of Repetition-- God will often repeat something previously said as a means of emphasis. X. Law of Double Reference-- A passage may apply primarily to a person or event near at hand, but is used by the Holy Spirit at a later time as applying to the Person of Christ, or the affairs of His kingdom. XI. Gap Law-- God, in the Scriptures, will sometimes skip over lengthy periods of time without comment. XII. Laws of Right Divisions-- God's Word must be divided according to dispensations, covenants and ethnic groups. XIII. Law of Types-- God often employs types as a divinely appointed illustration of some spiritual truth. XIV. Law of Numerical Design-- Numbers in the Bible have a specific meaning that teach specific truths. XV. Synthetic Technique-- God inspired the literary structure of the Bible so that it is constructed in introversion, alternation, or combinations of both.Let's obey 2 Timothy 2:15 and get more out of our Bibles!


Jesus Christ

My Blog

Are you good enough to get into Heaven?

Of all the questions you will ask yourself in life, probably the most important is, Am I good enough to go to Heaven? The way to find this out is to ask yourself if you have obeyed the Ten Commandment...
Posted by Tahoma Baptist Church on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 01:17:00 PST