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About Me $y@Z_OnE... ...NiCk nme: syAH + cha + mR.KeNtanG...[email protected]... ...age:21 diz year [2009]... ...Birthdate: 19.LeO.lalala... ...Birthplace: HOSPITAL HANG TUAH... ...Eye colour: CHOCLATE + BLACK + BLUE... ...Hair colour: BLACK + BROWN... ...Boyfriend/Girlfriend: SOfiEA... ...Food: NASI LEMAK + ROTI SADEN... ...Drink: TOngkat aLi... ...Pepsi or coke: COKE... ...Mcdonalds or Burgerking: McdOnalds... ...Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla... ...Summer or Winter: SUMMER + WINTER... ...Bedtime: EVERYDAY... ...Ever smoked: MEMBAHAYAKAN KESIHATAN... ...Ever drank: DOSA DOH... ...What country do you want to visit: SYURGA... ...Believe in yourself: BILIEVE THAT ALLAH IS MY GOD... ...Want go to college: STILL STUDY... ...Do you smoke: NO SMOKING PERSON LA... ...Been in love: NO KOMEN... ...Do you sing: lalala...Hey mr.Kentang.....

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*Kepade sahabat2, teruskn perjuanggan atas landasan masing2,frnd 4 ever**Kepade cinte,cinte e2 buta. Tp nO wOmen nO cry**kepade diri sendiri, lu pikir la sendiri*~LaLaLa~

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