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About Me

My Name is David Pena, Im a Dominican Juggalo and im proud of it.Im am Laidback as fuck i dont take anything seriouse unless it needs to be and even then im always the guy to try nad lighten things up. I like Sex,Drinking,Partying,Paintballing,Backyard Wrestling,Weed,and just chillin.I was born in Brooklyn, NewYork in Wycoff hospitalI was raised on Eldert Street living with my brothers for a while then just with my parents.I attended P.S.151 from first to 5th grade going to the B.E.A.C.O.N. program..i was accepted into P.S. 383 the best school in Brooklyn but never went since I moved to OhioMy bestfriend in NewYork is my cousin Johhny we fought a hell of a lot when i went over to his house sometimes but we'd always ended talking again then laughing about it like 5 mins afterwards.I started coming to Ohio when i was 10 then we stayed here and been living my life here since.Met my Buddy Kurtis here when i started 6th grade been hanging out since..we met Derek a while after we've been doing Stupid shit since we've known each though i kissed Dereks girl while she nad him were goin out and i got flashed lol but fuck i dont regret it but i havent talked to Derek since he went to columbus the dumbass is probably dead anyway whith the stupid shit he likes to do..i graduated from Garfield Middle School and im currently attending the Hamilton Freshman School .I love to Fight...I dont care if im opeining a can of whoop ass or if im getting my fase drivin into the concrete i just love the feeling of a fight..Last but not least i am a Juggalo..i dont knoe exactly when i became a part of the family but i know its been at least 4 or 5 years..i am proud to be a part of this family and dont care what i get told "Juggalos are Gay" "Juggalos are just fat slobs with no life' "Juggalos are white trash trying to be gangsta"here are some things ive been told about Juggalos and my answers1:All Juggalos cant fight anybody could whoop there assA:well first of all i know plenty of Juggalos who can fight Cory Stien a Juggalo was a 10th degree black belt in Brazilian Jujitsu thats just one example2:Juggalos are white trash trying to be gangstaA:Im a Juggalo, and first of all im not white. second i dont try to be gangsta and i aint gangsta sure i like hip hop and all but i like rock and heavymetal too3:Juggalos are Pussy as bitches who can only fight in groupsA:I dont even kno what to say about this one just that iif you saw your friends about to fight im totally sure youd just there and watch...."hahahahaha" yeah right... fashion layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

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