I want to make something, somehow, that will save someone. i also think homestar runner's hella tight.
anybody who can talk music and theoretical people to death
DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE, atrixo, the postal service, KILL HANNAH, garbage, my bloody valentine, interpol, the smiths, dresden dolls, hot hot heat, longwave, metric, new order, jimmy eat world, mae, radiohead, rainer maria, ambulance lmtd., sonic youth, some pumpkins, of montreal, pernice brothers, PLACEBO, dandy warhols, the red hot chili peppers, the sex pistols, the streets, volcano, i'm still excited!!, u2, lost boy, some stevie nicks, denali, the race, le tigre, m83, the cure, notwist, rufus wainwright, ringer, the gufs, cranberries, ELLIOTT SMITH, eisley (sigh), this american life, best of bjork
EDWARD SCISSORHANDS...airplane...what else...the commitments, finding forrester, the princess bride...spinal tap...best in show...rainman...good will hunting...dead poet society...the king and i...the breakfast club...monty python's flying cir-cusscariest/ saddest movie ever award: the brave little toaster. young children should NOT be subjected to this, it will cause them to grow up clingy and overemotional. G-d knows i did...still can't watch it all the way through
columbo...dr. who (tom baker...that scarf)...mon-ty python's flying cir-cus, and now, gungrave. gaaah i love this show, and why, why? the dialogue is ridden with cliches, why do i love it? but i cry every episode...quiet, gramma's watching her stories...
asleep by banana yoshimoto, Heartsongs by Mattie Stepanek, MARY STEWART'S MERLIN BOOKS, jill by philip larkin, the great gatsby, a portrait of the artist as a young man, miriam mayburd, glass menagerie by tennessee williams
mat devine, the king of antartica