Me, MY BODY, My frat, sports, GURLS, my family, friends, fitness, knowledge, enlightenment, GURLS, comorbidity, music, GURLS
Enybody dats downGet Your Own Voice Player Managemspmb src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" width="350" height="350" wmode="transparent" flashvars="nopanel=true&imgpath=http%3A%2F%2Fimg201.rock
R&B, Some Rap, Hip-Hop, A lil of dat Ol Skool and Soul, sum jazz aint bad either
Scarface, Godfather (All three), Hitch, Booty Call, ATL, Brown Sugar, Love and Basketball, Tha Incredibles ..
watevas on, usually reality tho, CSIs, ER, Law and Order SVU, Next, Sportscenter, Football, Boxing, The L Word
50 Cent from pieces to weight, fitness, cooking, Harry Potter
Pops, Jordan