I'm a very fortunate person. Grace has entered my life. I'm grateful for the life I have at this moment and grateful to the teachers who have crossed my path and taught me how to practice and acheive equinimity.This is not an easy teaching. Nor did it come without explosions of strong emotions. But, with dilegence, patience and persistance I have finally reached a point of no return. I can no longer hold on to resentments, negative thoughts or fear.
I now have the knowledge and experience that what ever comes into my life, good events and misfortunes, I will be able to experience both with equinimity.Thank you Erma Pounds, Thank you S.N. Goenka, Thank you Bardor Tulku Rinpoche, Thank you Krishnamurti, Thank you Dhyani Ywahoo, Travis Saunders and the many, many other teachers that crossed my path ever so subtly that I didn't even realize your teaching until you were gone from my life.
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