Welcome to MY WORLD babies! *tries to sound badass* A hardcore world brimming with Harry Potter, zombie movies, Wii Sports bowling, web design, walking the dog.. crap, I'm lame. ;-)
I'm Brittney, aka the MIDGE. I'm 4'9"-ish, married to a 6'3"-ish guy named Sean, and I'm a nerd.
I love humor (think Simpsons & Family Guy). I thrive on witty people with good hearts. I've lived in Southern CA my entire life and am relocating soon to "settle in" to married life =)
I'm a big animal rights nerd. I'm very philanthropic in general and I totally am proud of that fact. I'm more of the stay-in-watch-a-movie with friends type than an out-and-get-drunk type.LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS IN THE ALLEN TEXAS AREA!