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Jasim Allah

About Me

PEACE TO THE GODS, PEACE TO THE EARTHS, PEACE TO ALL POSITIVE PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE!!! To quote the God Rakim Allah, "It's Been A Long Time!" I've been away from Myspace for a while and have not been able to Build or stay in contact with those who have sent me messages or have asked for my music. For this, I humbly ask that U Pardon Self for any late or non-response.
In January of 2007, I became involved in a custody dispute for my son in the NE District Court. My seed was not being taken care of properly and was subjected to molestation. This situation became worse as Child Protective Services and NE Juvenile Court also became involved. The mother was allowed a continuance every time it came down to the trial, so the situation dragged on for Wisdom (2) years. Finally, the judge decided that there would be no more continuances, and the trial was held on December 17, 2008. Due to the length of time it took to get to that point, the judge did not deliver a verdict that day. He took another month to review all of the documentation that was compiled over the 2 year period. The verdict was finally rendered on February 27, 2009 and the God was granted full custody and control of Jakir Arif. ALLAH-U-AKBAR!!!
INTELLECT OVER EMOTION: During this situation, I was questioned several times about my "beliefs," although it never came up in the actual trial. Not one time did I deny the Knowledge of Self; the Actual Fact that the Blackman Is God....Period. B.u.t., several times during this period, I allowed Self to be taken off my Square. Several times I became angry and would lose my temper, ready to execute moves that would only land me in the in-justice. All of this frustration and anger would cloud my thinking. Several times I had told individuals I would do certain things that ultimately, this situation would not allow me to do. This is Now Cipher! I did not do the Knowledge to the situation before speaking, hence, not making my word bond! To all, I ask again to Pardon Self for this error in my Ways and Actions.
P.E.A.C.E.: Powerful Eye of Allah Cees Everything! I Knowledge the fact that I still have much to learn of 120 Degrees and the workings of this Great Nation of Gods and Earths, b.u.t., I was Born to the Knowledge of Self at Knowledge Born (19), not last night! I Know a lip-professor or a Five "Pretender" when I meet one. So, let me say to those of U who think that U will come to Omaha and not run into a True and Living, think again! We have run into your kind before and they were ran out, like Yacub and his made devils. I recently met a brother who claimed to be from D.C. He spoke of coming here to teach the uncivilized, built on the mathematics, b.u.t., in the same breath, he spoke of "settin up shop" and "gettin' money." When this brother discovered that he was speaking to one of said ability, he stopped speaking to me, period. I would hear this brother "half-ass" Building outside of my justice-cipher-born and try to add on to the cipher. He wouldn't even aknowledge me. A real True and Living would not be "half-ass" when Building and would properly aknowledge me. It's already a hard enough task in this city to teach what I know, without some ol' faker than a 3 dollar bill-ass NIGGA coming here with their pre-determined idea to manipulate those who have no Knowledge. BE WARNED-WE CEE U!!!
PEACE TO THE GODS, PEACE TO THE EARTHS! PEACE TO ALL WHO HAVE CHOSEN TO ENTER THIS CIPHER! I come in the name of Jasim Allah, one of the Five Percent on this poor part of the planet Earth (which is the wilderness of North Amerikkka), teaching Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Culture, Refinement and how not to Be a savage in the pursuit of happiness, which is Civilization. Our (Black people) Culture or True way of Life is I.S.L.A.M. (I Self Lord And Master), which teaches U-N-I that the Blackman is the Original Man (a fact of which now most mainstream scientists will agree with), the Father of Civilization and God of the Universe, whose proper name is ALLAH (Arm-Leg-Leg-Arm-Head). I do not believe in religion because over time, it has only Showed and Proved "division." If U research the word "religion," U will find that it derives from the latin word "religio" which means "to divide or split," therefore, the reason that so many "denominations" or "sects" exists within different organized belief systems. The Knowledge of God is and has been taught as an unknown being existing everywhere. Anything that is unknown is considered a "mystery" and the Five Percent do not believe in a "mystery god!" We have been given the Supreme Knowledge and Wisdom of the Universe, God and the Devil, so.............IT AINT NO MYSTERY!!! I have created a "space" within "myspace" to Build and Add On to the Cipher, in hopes that the Knowledge of Self reaches the ears of the 85% (the blind, deaf and dumb). Yes, I am an emcee, but this page is strictly for Building!!!(the "JAY MONEY" link below will take U to my music page). U will hear music on this page, Born-U- Truth, I wont be promoting that here. So, if U R one of said ability (having Knowledge of Self) or exist in a conscious mental state, then feel free to Add On and Build!!! P.E.A.C.E.! (Please Educate Allahs Children With Equality).
Click on the picture for further insight into the Nation Of Gods And Earths!!!

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Member Since: 28/08/2006
Band Website: www.allahsnation.net
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Type of Label: Major

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Omaha, NE/Wild Kingdom or Cipher Now Equal?

Posted by on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 10:32:00 GMT

Knowledge, Wisdom & Understanding

Posted by on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 01:58:00 GMT