I'd like to meet:
renee olstead, scarlet pomers, the red house painters, the clarks, lacuna coil, chris botti, antsy pants, the moldy peaches, jazz, acoustic
a beautiful mind, juno, mean girls, rent, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, graduation,comedies, 'literary', no fantasy. ever. period. nope. (yes, that means you: harry potter, lord of the rings, chronicles of narnia, etc.) (dystopians generally don't count)
weather channel, history channel, discovery channel, tlc, nick at night, reba, still standing, mash, cosby show, roseanne, what i like about you, la/miami ink, what not to wear, mythbusters, scrubs, that 70s show, gilmore girls, golden girls, stargate sg-1,i'm a rerun junkie.
never let me go, time traveler's wife, schopenhauer cure, blue angel, stolen child, smashed, the giver, tillerman series,literary, chick lit, christian fiction, non-fiction in anthro, psych, philosophy, history, politics.
penguins. birds in tuxes, need i say more?