Cooking, geocaching, traveling when I can, playing with my dog :), playing in the woods.
Tenzin Gyatso, Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bill Cody, my father as a young man, my Grandpa Alex, Jesus.
Twelfth Night (the one with Ben Kingsley and Helena Bonham Carter), Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Lollilove, Much Ado About Nothing, Napoleon Dynamite, The Big Lebowski, Amelie
The Office, Globe Trekker, House, Good Eats
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Watership Down, The Velveteen Rabbit, Seven Years in Tibet, My Land and My People
What is a hero? A hero kills people – people that wish him harm. A hero is part human, and part supernatural. A hero is born out of a childhood trauma or out of a disaster that must be avenged.