Sports, Reading, Gaming, Movies, Music, Science, Working out, Hanging out with friends, Going to Bars/Clubs, Writing, Surfin' the net
I'd like to meet:
I'd like to meet a Buddhist monk...
A Roman warrior...
A down on his luck poet...
A bum that has nothing left...These people have lessons to teach about the world and they're way of life...Otherwise...I'd like to meet interesting people who look for a good time and then go after it...
Gnome Rogue
Gnomes are strange little things. Fascinated with gadgets and shiny things, gnomes are often plotting and planning - but are pretty smart, despite all the explosions.
As a rogue, you're always looking out for number one. You aren't afraid to do whatever it takes to win - and if things take a turn for the worse, you can always vanish into the night... Just don't run out of flash powder.
Find out your real-life WoW race and
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Finding useable music codes sucks...they never work...
Star Wars series, Riddick series, LOTR trilogy, Alien series, Fight Club, Donnie Darko, Requiem for a Dream, The Rules of Attraction, Scarface, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Underworld, Van Helsing, Legend, Replicant, Hackers, Resident Evil series, Seven, The Fifth Element, Youngblood, High Fidelity, Matrix trilogy, Evil Dead series, Run Lola Run, Hero, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Bourne series, Kill Bill Vol. 1&2, The Boondock Saints, Equilibrium, The Mummy series, Predator 1&2, Big Trouble in Little China, Willow, Enemy at the Gates, Showdown in Little Tokyo, Gladiator, Braveheart, The Patriot (Mel Gibson)...I'll just stop there
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Law & Order: SVU, Robot Chicken, Blade the Series
Anything by Stephen King or R.A. Salvatore...The Star Wars novels...Gaming novels...and anything else I find interesting or is highly recommended by friends...