My name is Caitlyn Holowaty,
Guitars have souls and my songs are my babies.
I'm a singer/songwritter just trying to get out there and do my thaaang and be delicious. But before you judge all the pink butterflies and such, I beg you to listen to my music, because my style (which seems to resemble a cupcake) OR a fabulous wood nymph [teehee, Thankies mucho to my photographer, Dominica Lovallo] is not...COMPLETELY a reflection of my music =)
Anywho, right now I'm in the middle of recording a 5 song demo, which I hope to finish by the end of the summer =) Here's a couple songs to enjoy until then. They are NOT by any means completely finished, but it's something to tickle your little ears until the finished product...hehe!..