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About Me

CURRENT MOON about the moon


To understand me and what I'm all about I invite you to read the article I wrote below entitled "The Schumann Resonances Open DNA Potential". It summerizes my life's work, my life's ambition and my life itself: the one that exists in every cell of my body.

Regardless of which aspect I went about experiencing and expressing that life, it all came down to one thing: living freely, living without stress. I found that living with stress was not really living at all. It's merely the slow road to illness and death.

Whether I lived through my art, writing, dancing, or drumming and humming, it all boiled down to the same thing: what I was doing had to generate peace, which generates wholeness, or the activity wasn't worth the time or effort, and certainly not worth the money.

Without that innate peace in every cell of our bodies, nothing grows properly. This should not have been a surprise, for all of Nature teaches us this very thing. No wonder it lives not FOR the present moment, but IN the present moment.




I'm an artist in the field of fine art, President of The Oklahoma Art Guild, 1st Place Winner in the "Micro-Mini" Catagory in the OAG's 2008 Summer Small Works Show, 3rd place winner in the "Animal, Fish & Fowl" Catagory in the OAG'S 2005 Fall show, a national Award winning Scottish Gaelic Vocalist taking 3rd place in 3 catagories as a beginner competing against seasoned Gold Metal Winners at the National Gaelic Mod in 1998, Model, Oklahoma Rep. for Vaccine Injured Children Org., past OK Rep. for The Autism Autoimmunity Project and Bio-Rhythm educator.

I have interests in Quantum Physics, DNA, Metabolism, Autism, Electro-Pollution and the rhythmic link between them all.

I had three children dx'ed at various points on the Autism/Developmentally Disabled "Spectrum" and recovered them all through what I call: "The Practice Of Stresslessness". In actuality, it is a return to perfect alignment with The Schumann Resonances. This alignemnt works. It generates growth AT THE SOURCE: where most believed it could not be accessed due to damage... This is an incorrect assumption. "The Practice Of Stresslessness" takes not just one's mind, but their cells as well, back to a state they experienced pre-degeneration and, then allows that which was damaged to be re-paired - with it's original, 100% Healthy and Complete DNA Code.





~The Art Of Balanced Reality: Artist Profile~


Favorite Links:

Dalai Lama: Official My Space Profile

Harmonic Presence

David Hykes: My Space Music Profile

Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention Institute


Bruce Lipton



My profile was customized using the Taming the MySpace Layout Generator



My Interests

I'd like to meet:

1) Other drummers in the OKC area for a drumming circle every Friday Night at "The Woodchuckchop Gallery" on Paseo at sunset... ( "The world's largest Chimenea" will be there to keep us warm all winter. Come join good friends and good times. For more info, contact me at [email protected]. )


2) People who resonate with the information in the below article regarding the health benefits of humming/drumming and wish to experience that which is generated by either listening to or playing hand drums and humming.

3) Parents of Autistic children.

4) People with Neurological, Endocrinological and Immunological "Imbalances"

5) New friends of every walk of life..

Article: The Schumann Resonances Open DNA Potential

For those who :

1) don't have time to research the reason why we seem to never reach the full potential of health and wisdom Science keeps telling us is lying dormant within each and every one of us and
2) wish to know the reason why we never reach that potential, your lucky day has come.

I did the research for you and have unearthed the necessary information to free your Inner Power, which also just so happens to unlock your Inner Wholeness/Health.

Whether or not you receive this information, and act upon it, is a whole other matter, though. For, you see, The Inner Healthy Power, our Mitochondrial DNA's Cellular Generators, are only activated and thrive when we dance to much different rhythms than those which have become "the norm" for our Society.

Those different rhythms are called The Schumann Resonances. These are electrical pulsations, ( or Resonances ), that vibrate in the Earth as well as in the cavity between the Earth and our Ionisphere. They also happen to correlate with the hertz at which both our brain and heart should be resonating during specific hours of the day and night.

For example, according to the Schumann Resonances, when it's dark, we should be experiencing Theta State/4-7hz and Delta State/1-4hz as our brains/bodies power down for sleep and when it's light, we should be experiencing Alpha State/7.83-12hz as we power up for the creativity of the day. However, when we are not in alignment with these Resonances, real pulsations that are going on all around us and under our feet, then nothing in our brains/bodies can work correctly.
We are either powering down when we should be powering up or powering up when we should be powering down. In most cases, what has happened is that we never fully power up anymore, due to a myriad of reasons that interfere with our brain/body's ability to remain in the alignment with the real, physical Rhythms of Mother Nature.

These interferences are called Electromagnetic Pollution. They can be anything that puts and keeps us in a state that is out of alignment with that which is happening within the Earth and The Schumann Resonances. Most notably, TV watching and all rote practices keep us in the powered down Theta State when we should be in an Alpha State. This lack of power extends all the way down to the genetic level. It blocks our genes from not only forming correctly, but functioning correctly. This means nothing else in the brain/body can then form or function correctly either.

The stress caused by this disalignment also throws off our Metabolism, which, in turn throws off our cell's ability to reproduce and transmit the FULL Power/Information within our DNA Code to the "daughter cells" it is creating within us. Without that full power nothing within us fully forms or functions fully. All DNA Potential is blocked.

Metabolic Arrythmia pulls the extention cord of our Metabolism from our Mitochondrial Power Source and denies full development of everything within the brain/body. Without the correct amount of Mitochondrial Power nothing can be detoxed from our bodies. Lack of cellular detoxification creates cellular death.

Under ANY kind of STRESS, a replicated cell can't get at the perfect amount of powerful information that would reproduce it in it's original, 100% healthy form, and, thusly, it keeps replicating WRONG information over and over, and over, and over again in both us and the offspring into whom we pass this "errant process".

In other words, we continue to replicate an errant DNA program simply because we are being kept in a lifestyle that is completely out of sync with The Schumann Resonances. Almost everything we do in our Society is based upon Rote practices.

The statistics are now telling us that 40% of our population never experiences Alpha State. However, it is not uncommon for a lot of us to experience too much Beta State. Since Theta State is also known as the REM State of sleep in which we dream; a state in which most of us are walking around in daily with our eyes wide open, then Beta State could be considered the flip side of that state. Beta is the state in which we can have "Nightmares" with our eyes wide open.

This is the Drama State of our lives in which we imagine any and all kinds of things - most of which never come to pass, but cause us great stress in the mean time anyway. All of this too is Electromagnetic Pollution. If we aren't in alignment, then we are producing our own Electromagnetic interference.

This situation creates a sort of Power Surge/Brown out within our cells. These electrical malfunctions in turn cause Cellular OVERGROWTH, ( ie: various forms of Cancer ), and/or Cellular UNDERGROWTH, ( ie: various forms of Neurological, Endocrinological, Immunological, Endoderm, Mesoderm, Ectoderm Deformation ), are the result of this "Off Beat Process", this "Out Of Sync Existence we're all conditioned to accept as "The Status Quo" even though this off sync situation has nothing at all to do with Natural Reality.

Therefore, being "OUT OF SYNC" with our own and The Schumann Resonances actual "Biological Clock" is the sole Reason why we keep replicating ALL TYPES OF disease, disorder and dysfunction.

It's THAT simple.

In plain English, this means that OUT OF SYNC LIFESTYLE we are all led to endure is literally locking away The 100% Health and 100% Wisdom our bodies MUST ACCESS FROM WITHIN to continue regenerating healthy cells. An unnatural schedule creates Chaotic Mitochondrial powered Metabolism, which creates Chaos in every cell of our bodies. This is now known to be called "Mitochondrial Dysfunction" and is the underlying cause behind Autism - and all other cellular malfunctions.

Two simple things can help put your cells back in touch with THE Perfect, Original DNA CODE; it's Rhythm/Mitosis/Growth:

1) Improvisational Drumming/Humming will give you back your own "Signature Rhythms" in sync with those of the Schumann Resonances
2) Returning to a more natural lifestyle.

Simply spending more time out in Mother Nature can return you to your own original rhythms. Just as one pendulum clock set next to another eventually entrains to the beat of the first, so too will your brain/body reentrain to The Schumann Resonances.

Doing these two simple and easy things has even been proven to boost the Immune System to such heights of performance that one becomes Immune to all EXTERNAL Electromagnetic Pollution.

For example, the Amish, who enjoy this kind of lifestyle, do not suffer from the electrical, or neurological, problems the rest of the world experiences...

Realignment with The Schumann Resonances produces and continuously replicates WHOLE BODY :

1) Creation
2) RE-Creation
3) Protection.

Science is now proving that Drumming/Humming and Living in sync with The Schumann Resonances -

1) Boosts our levels of:

A ) Melatonin, ( The Regulator of our Bodily Clock/Processes )
B ) Serotonin, ( The Regulator of our Bodily Moods/Processes )
C ) Natural Cancer Killer Cells
D ) Proper Immune System Functioning
E ) White Matter in the Brain ( Rebuilding The Corpus Callosum )

2) RE-"Pairs":

A ) The Eastern & Western Hemisheres of The Brain allowing perfect communication between the two,
B ) Bodily damages caused by Genetic "Miscommunications" either passed down to us by our parents or caused by external factors, such as those found in the environment or in rote "developmental" programs,

3 ) Reduces the levels of :

A ) Adrenaline and
B ) Cortisol in our bloodstream.

4 ) Fully reconnects us to our Electric Source and the full amount of Power required for complete development of the entire person

So, how about it? Are you ready to experience your own Perfect Potential, your own powerful Health and Wisdom, as The Natural Paced Reality that finally forms your entire Mind-Body to Completion?

Or would you rather remain on that stressful, power-deficient, unformed level that sooner or later aborts the whole cellular project known as "You"?

That Original Mitochondrial Code, the one with all of our untapped potential in it is still waiting for you to bring it into Reality. In it lies all of YOUR "Signature" Health, Development AND Welfare in all of its fullness that was blocked by the chaotic resonances our out of sync lifestyles were creating instead.

I don't know about you, but I'm taking the all-natural road on which exists COMPLETE Health, Wisdom and Happiness. I'm not waiting until "another life" to get ALL THAT LIES WITHIN OUR POTENTIAL when it's already right here inside my own Mitochondrial DNA/Power generators just waiting for me to realign with The Schumann Resonances, the rhythms of Mother Nature.

So find a Improvisational Drum Circle near you - or start one yourself. No experience is preferred and no lessons are necessary. The point is to find our OWN rhythms once again - within the base beat that is Life. For there-in lies Genetic Integrity ( also known as Health and Intelligence )that forms from the inside out - in sync with Nature.

©2006, 2008, Hum Drum Health/Faith

Artwork In Order Of Display Above By: Josephine Wall A. Andrew Gonzalez Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

To be fair to all of my local friends

I will be rotating you in the #1 spot each week.

Y'all KNOW I love ALL of you the same:


The Woodchuck Chop Gallery On Paseo Drive

Murray: Rant Run Rampant

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