JAMES lyrics
"Say Something" by James:
I love....
New York
But my birthplace, Bermuda, wins hands down:
writing, reading, making and drinking tea (i think i have an addiction....), films, acting/drama, photography, music, drawing (warning: beyond dire), walking, working, observing life (and people - but not in a perverted way), day-dreaming....oh i'm such a dreamer....going out (but i'm not a party animal), having a laugh, cooking (when i know what i'm doing, AND it turns out right!!!but need 2improve on timing...), addicted2 chocolate especially ones in pouches or big bags like revels (hate the now uc it, now u don't kind of bags), travelling but can't do it often, hate everything 2do with flying (but seeing Britain disappearing and being above the clouds is beautiful!), hate the bus (4 long-distant journeys). Love the train. I walk. A lot. Also addicted to Big Eat Mega Monster Munch crisps (Flamin' Hot flavour, for health reasons please don't tell me about the other flavours, if there's any....no no tell me, tell me!!!!)....and wheat crunchies.
Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"I dunno, press the button and find out." What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?
Kate Bush-This Woman's Work
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Lethal Slayer
You Feast On: Grass
You Lurk Around In: Shopping Malls
You Especially Like to Torment: Republicans What's Your Monster Name?
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Childish