i jz stay at home nd do cool stuffs lyk head banging nd sound tripping!! surfing d net, txtng, chatting!! i LuV meEting new pip0L.. g0ing 2 new places.. and many m0r...
anything cool--lyk alternative rock!!
~~~a WaLk 2 rEmembEr, PriNcEsS DiaRy 1&2~~, WiTh0uT a PadDLe~~, ThE Eye~~, WhiTe n0iSe~~, MeAn GirLs, Sch0oL 4 sEdUcTi0n~~, ```*MeeT d f0cKers~~, & many m0re...
HB0, CiNeMax, MYX, MTV & AXN
~``thE brEak-uP diAriEs, WITCH, FaTaL c0nvicTi0ns, bEsT seLLer b0oks of Sydney ShELd0n, & mAnY m0re....
SUPERMAN! hehe =)