N3KA~BAYB33 ♡ profile picture


i want all of you... forever... you and me... everyday... --the notebook♥

About Me

layout by
static layouts.
sooo S.H.E.N.E.K.A. iis tha name
buht N*E*K*A iis wuht ii go by
ii am S.E.V.E.N.T.E.E.N. years old
ii am a S*E*N*ii*O*R @ mcmiichael hiigh ((o8, baby!!!))
ii'm frm S.T.O.N.E.V.ii.L.L.E., nc, buht ii currently resiide iin R.E.ii.D.S.V.ii.L.L.E., nc
G*O*D iis who completes me
ii love mah F.A.M.ii.L.Y. tonsss
my real F*R*ii*E*N*D*S r ever so lovely
M.U.S.ii.C. iis mah passiion
my haters r mah strongest M*O*T*ii*V*A*T*ii*O*N
ii love M.Y.S.E.L.F. quiite dearly
ii am a S*A*G*ii*T*T*A*R*ii*U*S
ii thiinqk S.C.H.O.O.L. iis okay
ii am an aspiiriing P*S*Y*C*H*O*L*O*G*ii*S*T
my favoriite color iis P.ii.N.K., of course
ii kno that *ii* am all ii got
ii liive my liife 2 tha f.u.l.l.e.s.t. alwaiise
my boiifran iis e*d*d*ii*e, & he's great!
ii am on e.l. b.e.a.s.t.~.o. m.o.d.e.~.o

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



"AiiNt nO oThA mAn"
*♥*ChRiiStiiNa AgUiiLeRe*♥*

hahaha new bf ppl!
prolly tha best iill evr
have... el beast~o mode~o!!!!
< i ♥ e . a . >


ha haaaaaa! EL BEAST~O MODE~O ppl!
lmao ((yall dk nuhn bout dat
SPANGLiSH, man... iim tryna tehl ya...!))
hahahahaha yeeessssss!!!

buh newaiise, yep thas riight,
folkz! iim offiiciially
TAKEN by thiiz guy riight here...
iive been waiitiin 4 a LONG tyme
2 run across a guy liike
thiiz... haterz ((UK WHO U R!)),
thx already 4 ur motiivatiion!
< i LUUUUHHH YA, EDDiE !!! >


wow, my liife has been
changiin a lot
over tha last few monthz
ii daresay... buht
thiiz quote iiz one thang
that iive learned
recently... ii wuz holdiin
on 2 suhmn ii shudda
been let go of... all ii
wuz really doiin wuz
henderiin mahself frm moviin
forward completely...
ii knew iit waz falliin apart
but ii wudnt let go.
now ii realiized that sum
thangz dnt work so
otherz wiill... sum doorz
close so that otherz
wiill open... iim ready now
4 watever liife briingz me


**the notebook** .. cold sassy tree .. romeo of juliet ..a walk 2 remember .. & soooo many more i cant thinqk of!! lol* ((yes i read!!haha))


anyone whozs a positive influence 2 me (=

My Blog

AaAgGgHhH !!! i!m s0 pHrKi!iN *F*aMoUzZ !!!

heeyyy there ppl !! iim bak wiith summoreiinsiight on mah liife !! haha yall kno me && mr. tyrone combz gotthiiz blog iish on lock, riight???yeah, dont akt liike yall aiint kno!! haha [[ iily,...
Posted by N3KA~BAYB33 a on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 03:34:00 PST

Oh h0w i!T hUrTs.......

mAn... i! t3ll yA... i! hAv3 b3eN hUrT o2dAy w0rSeR tHaN i! hAv3 eVeR b3eN hUrT i!n mAh wHoLe eNt!iRe Li!f3................ w3hL 1sT oF aLL, mY 1sT LoVe i!s n0 l0nGeR a pArt oF mAh Li!f3... aFt3r eVeR...
Posted by N3KA~BAYB33 a on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 02:47:00 PST

Li!f3 aS i!k i!T...

w3hL, i! Ai!nT d0n3 wUnNa Th3s3 sUcQkUhS i!N aGeZzZ!!! s0 jUsS tHoUgHt i!D LeT YaLL i!N oN Li!Fe aS i!k i!T aS oF t0dAi!... w3lP... aS fAr aS tHa l0v3 Li!f3 g03s... i! hAd a "gUy fRaN," bUh... y3a, w...
Posted by N3KA~BAYB33 a on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 08:08:00 PST

iiM dOnE

well iim done wiit all thiiz stuff... bs'n ppl... iim ova yall.fake guys... iim thru.fake ppl... iitz a wrap... iim by my lonesome.  ...
Posted by N3KA~BAYB33 a on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 09:30:00 PST


MY STORY.Hi, my name is: SH3N3KA...but you can call me: N3KA [:Never in my life have I: F3LT SO GOOD... (: The one person who can drive me nuts is: MARQUiS... My high school is: McMiCHA3L......
Posted by N3KA~BAYB33 a on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 07:09:00 PST


rule#1:Let's see if you can get through it.If not, you're too scared about your past.. and NO lying... 1. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?YEAH... BUHT HECTiiCALLY... 2. How many girlfr...
Posted by N3KA~BAYB33 a on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 07:51:00 PST


If you opened it, you have to do it.1. Three Names You Go By:A. SH3N3KAB. N3KAC. N33K2. Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:A. CAMiib. S0FF33SC. FLiiP FL0PZLove SurveyYou must answer every que...
Posted by N3KA~BAYB33 a on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 03:38:00 PST

Wh0 wUs uR l@sT ____ ??

Rule #1:..If you open this you GOTTA take it.Rule # 2:You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someonemessages you and asksRule #3:Only answer Yes or NoQ: Kissed someone on your top friends?: no...
Posted by N3KA~BAYB33 a on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 07:52:00 PST


s0o0o... iiDk wUhT ii wAnNa wRiit3 a bL0g ab0uT @ tHiiZz p0iiNt iiN tYm3... //l0l//  hMmMm... iiLL jUsS wRiit3 wUtZz 0n mUh MiinD tHeN...  *h3h3*   w3ll... iiTzZ sUmMeR '0s3v3n, dUd3zZ....
Posted by N3KA~BAYB33 a on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 10:26:00 PST

aLmOsT sUmMeRtiiMe....[:

dang, ii got a whoooole lot on mah miind, now... soh ii fiigured iid "blog-iit" hahaha*   wehll, tha end of sqkoohl iis drawiing near!!  iim soh fliippiin exciitehd iidk ...
Posted by N3KA~BAYB33 a on Mon, 14 May 2007 03:22:00 PST