Hi, my name is Nelly
I am getting my masters in biomedicine so that I can be a doctor one day
I like good people and good music
When I like a song I listen to it on repeat for several days maybe even weeks, this really bothers anyone who has ever lived with me
I speak arabic
Feeding people makes me happy
I have found that the best way to peacefully end a fight is via a dance off
I learned to write in cursive in 4th grade, and haven't looked back since
I have two sassy pet birds
My nerd friends and I make really lame science jokes, and think they're really funny
I've had a crush on Conan O'Brien since I was in 7th grade
I'm a daddy's girl
I still find Anchorman jokes to be hilarious
My sisters are my best friends
I like to people watch, and am really bad at hiding it
Eggplant is one of my favorite foods
I'm hardly ever on time
I'm a big fan of comma splices
Apparently, I'm also a big fan of the bulletin point
In other news, I love pearls and dancing (not necessarily together, but often are)
Things I do not like include...
negative neds
music snobs
sketchy folks
people who wear sunglasses at night even though ive noticed that many of my friends do this, so maybe i do like it?
meticulously calculated scenester outfits
people who refuse to understand how I was a pre-med political science major
sleazy guys
when people list ridiculously obscure bands, books, and movies on their myspace pages in order to gain indie-street cred
shallow people
people who try too hard
people who are just mean bastards in general