I live in the very boring Sudbury in Suffolk. Wheres theres nothing to do or nowhere to go. I deal with it the best any girl can.... i go out n get out my face regulary!
__I LOVE my boyfriend, my beautiful friends, cuddles, people who dont judge others, my car, fake tan, false nails, getting my hair done, shopping, good food, decent music, taking photos, dressing up, having parties, buying presents, recieving presents, travelling, eating out, sunny days, people who smile at u for no reason, helpful people, polite people, lazy days, designeer clothes, cheap but nice clothes, my cats
__I HATE working, girls who hate me for no reason, slow drivers, cheap nasty clothes, rude people, fast food, processed food, people who dont work, people on benefits for no reason, fat people who complain about being fat but dont diet, being so skinny n not being able to gain weight, people who upset the people i love, rain, snow, cold days
my friends are the best i love them all for different reasons but love them all the same. my boyfriend is perfect in everyway n ive never been happier.
I never mean to offend people but if i do i say 'its not what ive said its what u think!'
Either way... im me n that will never change, im blunt n to the point but have all the time in the world for nice people n couldnt give a shit about people who are judgemental n nasty.
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