This is like pullin teeth! Anah aevia, Between the buried and me, Comeback Kid, Darkest hour, Embrace today, Fall of a season, God forbid, heaven shall burn, Invocation of nehek, J...hmph..i'll get back to ya, Kalmah, lamb of god, my dying bride, nile, on broken wings, poison the well,quo vadis, remembering never, Shai hulud, Trivium, Unearth, Virtuocity, Walls of jericho,Year of desolation, Zao.Oi! Against all aurthority, Bad religion, Circle jerks, Dead milkman, Flogging molly, Good riddance,leftover crack, minor threat, No use for a name, oi polloi, pennywise,rise against, strike anywhere, tsunami bomb, uk subs, unwritten law, vice squad, weezer, youth of today, zebrahead.
My Daddy..awwwww