Been writing electronic music since 1995, but i don’t have the ’ace of base sound’ down yet.
Writing music keeps me (somewhat) sane.
I use Jeskola buzz
and controllers and synthesizers and other things. I write my own melodies and try to synthesize my own samples whenever possible. I occasionally write my own synthesizers from scratch (program them, usually in perl -- render to raw wave)
I run This site with wayfinder of the german demogroup Farbrausch
I’m working on some demos myself using Mips C/OpenGL on an SGI Indigo2 via midi controlled audio/video sync
I’ll keep y’all posted about that, until then:
Beta music page (coming soon-ish maybe someday perhaps)
My Newest (but still quite old) music site
An older site, with different songs
I do this all while finishing my degree, and working full time in robotics and bioinformatics, so forgive the slowness of my releases.