Blcksheep profile picture


.. rudolf7

About Me

find out for yourself..

My Interests

rollerblading, computers, video games, drawing, cooking, playing guitar, photography, singing, long nights at the arcade, european cars, greek mythology, hockey, dreamcast, acrylic paints, deviant-art...

I'd like to meet:

alot of my favorite bands, good people, inspiring artists, new faces to rollerblade with, the colossus of Rhodes


introduce me to something new


Brink, Donnie Darko, Mortal Kombat, Fast and the furious, Iron Monkey, Shaolin Soccer, But i'm a cheerleader, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Hackers, The Chumscruber, Thumbsucker, Pulp Fiction, Deathproof, Amelie, Lock Stock and two smoking barrels, ocean's eleven, italian job, sweeney todd, dazed and confused, pirates of the carribean, random kung-fu films, Almost Famous, Casshern, The Matrix, Spawn, Vanilla Sky, ...etc


Entourage, Flight of the concords, ghost/alien shows on TLC, family guy, House, FUSE, grey's anatomy, FEAR (old mtv show), spiderman(cartoon), are you afraid of the dark?, family matters, fresh prince, G4 tv, FOX soccer channel


art portfolios, computer "how to's", hank the cowdog, the davinci code, stuart little, wayside-school, Shogun, non-fiction books on ancient civilizations, some greek mythology, the illustarted BIBLE (comic form), LAST MAN, jurassic park, sphere, harry potter, manga


jeff stockwell... umm Ms. Stockstill?

My Blog


my life... i'm confused, feel cheated, lied to, my heart feels ripped apart, i have no one to turn to, and i have only one true friend. please point me to the right direction. Everything's gone. truly...
Posted by Blcksheep on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 04:08:00 PST