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Temple Ankh

I am here for Networking

About Me

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We are a small group based in Breckinridge County, Kentucky, in a beautiful wooded Temple and Campsite. New members are always welcome here, and there are two ways to become involved:
1) Our web members live too far away to attend our gatherings, but they enjoy the online seminars, discussions, workshops, and lessons as well as access to all our rituals. To become a web member, all you have to do is fill in your email below and click on the 'Yahoo! Groups Join Now!' button to join.
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There is no fee for web members. We expect our web members to be willing to share their thoughts, viewpoints, and ideas with us through our Yahoo group site message board, and to participate in ongoing discussions. You can also choose to enroll in our Temple Lesson Program via the online polls of our group site.
2) Our local members attend our gatherings, participate in our rituals, assist with Temple projects, and have access to all the web features. To become a local member, please contact the High Priestess, Nydia, at [email protected] for more details. We expect our local members to attend as many gatherings and events as possible and ask that you assist with whatever projects are being worked on, in whatever manner you can. You can choose to be initiated and to enroll in our Temple Lesson Plan, although neither is required for general membership.
We are just ordinary people who felt a void in our lives, which our Faith now fills. We spent most of our time working at our mundane jobs to supply ourselves and our families with the staples needed for life. But, as often as we can, we get together and celebrate our Faith with feasts and festivals which honor our Faith in the same way as our ancient Egyptian ancestors did.
Temple Ankh does not recognize differences of race, color, or background. All we ask is that you have a deep desire to serve the same Great Gods and Goddesses as we do, and believe in the same ideals.

My Interests


Dates are as follows:

March 22-26 : Spring Equinox Celebration (Main Ritual on the 24th)

June 21 - 24 : Summer Solstice Celebration (Main Ritual on the 23rd)

July 7 - 14 : Trial of Set Survival Game begins

September 20 - 24 : Autumn Equinox Celebration (Main Ritual on the 22nd, Spirit Circle on the 23rd)

October 31 - November 4 : Harvest Celebration (Spirit Circle on the 31st, Harvest Ritual on the 3rd)


Dates are as follows:

March 21 - 23 : Spring Equinox

May 2 - 4 : Birthday of the Goddess Bast

June 20 - 22 : Summer Solstice

September 19 - 21 : Autumn Equinox

October 31 - November 2 : Harvest

Dec 19 - 21 : Winter Solstice

I'd like to meet:

We worship the Great Gods and Goddesses of ancient Kemet (the Egyptian name for Egypt), through rituals, prayers, feasts, and celebrations. We are Kemetic in Faith.

We believe the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses to be the first, and that all other cultures have the same deities, but with different names.

Our goal is to achieve Ma'at, or, to bring order to the chaos of our lives. It is through balance and order that we may achieve harmony within our souls.

When our bodies die, our soul travels with the Great God Ra through the hours of Tuat to our judgment within the great Hall of Ma'at. There our heart shall be weighed against her feather and we must not have done the 42 Negative Confessions. If our hearts are heavier than her feather, then our souls are punished or even destroyed. If our hearts are lighter, then we are allowed to spend time at rest before being born again to continue the lessons our souls must learn.

Once we have completed all of our lessons, we are allowed into the Abode of Osiris, the Eternal Field of Reeds, where we shall live amongst the Gods as one of them.

As a group, we are strong, and together we can accomplish anything, for our Faith is enough to sustain us during the darkest of times.

As individuals, we can achieve our own personal goals because we have an unshakeable Faith in our Gods, and in ourselves. We also know we can lean upon our Brothers and Sisters within our Temple for support when our times are hard.

Please keep in mind that this site updates occasionally. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please feel free to contact us.

The Elders of Temple Ankh


Inkubus Sukkubus - Church of Madness

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Here are some links related to studies & some Temple Info.

TEMPLE ANKH : Official temple site.


CIVILATION : This is a pretty good site for research on a variety of ancient and modern Egyptian subjects. I highly recommend this site.

Find Retreats and Psychic Fairs in your area at PEGASUS PRODUCTIONS

RHYMEZONE : for help in writing spells and rituals.

My Blog

Spring Equinox 2006

The Spring Equinox Celebration was quite successful and as always, a lot of fun. We began on Wednesday, March 15, which was a day earlier than expected, but we just couldn't wait to go. It took most o...
Posted by Temple Ankh on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 01:34:00 PST

Harvest 2005

to be added
Posted by Temple Ankh on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 01:27:00 PST

Autumn Equinox 2005

to be added
Posted by Temple Ankh on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 01:27:00 PST

Summer solstice 2005

to be added
Posted by Temple Ankh on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 01:26:00 PST

Birthday of Bast 2005

to be completed
Posted by Temple Ankh on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 01:24:00 PST

Spring Equinox Celebration 2005

Spring Equinox 2005 Event Summary March 16  20  2005 Wed. March 16th Sindarian arrived and we began the process of getting the campsite ready for the first event of the season.  There is ...
Posted by Temple Ankh on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 01:20:00 PST

Mother Nature and Me

Mother Nature and Me   I'm not sure when Mother Nature decided to make me her personal Jester, but that is what has happened. I am Mother Natures' Murphy. When it comes to her animals and plants,...
Posted by Temple Ankh on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 01:33:00 PST

Event Summary for July 29, 2004 - August 3, 2004

Thursday,  7-29-04 Sindarian joined me at the campsite and we began to clean everything up.  There was much to do, as the campsite had not been cleaned since the last storms, so there were m...
Posted by Temple Ankh on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 01:34:00 PST

Harvest ritual 2004

Summary of Harvest Ritual and Campout   The Harvest Ritual for this year, although poorly attended, was quite productive in terms of work accomplished, and a beautiful ritual was performed by the...
Posted by Temple Ankh on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 02:11:00 PST

Autumn Equinox 2004

Summary of Camp Events and Activities September 23-26, 2004 Sindarian and I began the campout Thursday evening, the 23rd.  We were able to get the cabin opened and a few things set up before dar...
Posted by Temple Ankh on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 01:59:00 PST