ClintXY's music is just about dealing with important values in life and relates to the struggles people go through in society today. Its a hard hit, with a melodic finish.
It all starts with the continuous need to become original, something most people have a hard time doing in a mediocrity like today. Stereotypes are so over, its in with the dawn of the new generation.. the new society. Welcome to ClintXY's music.
All my life ive been different from the crowd
I dont stick to any perticular style, or point of view for a long period of time
And it keeps me from being labeled.
Why want a label? Why dress yourself like every other jackass wannabe self-potrait out there?
I do what I want and I like what i see.
Its a mix of teenage rebellion with a twist of self prospect. Being like everyone else is dis-respecting yourself, sounding like everyone else is be-littling your music.
Stand out, don't be afraid to be different for once.
Thats what my music is about, and thats why it doesn't sound like your 'every other myspace elctro artist' page.
Because I plan to make it big wherever I go.
But hell, its only a myspace isn't it??
so enough with the preaching. get on with my music.