Anyone interested in the civil discussion of freemasonry.
This is not meant to be a Tyled Lodge. In no way is this an 'internet' lodge for brethren to have a meeting at. If you want a Tyled Lodge find your local masonic hall!The real secret of Freemasonry is that there are no secrets... Still, we as Masons have vowed not to say what goes on during our initiations & within lodge. to paraphrase a Brother on the forum "It is not what the secret is that matters, but the keeping of that secret".With that being said and keeping to my belief that one must ask to become a member, if you have a sincere desire to know what goes on inside a lodge and during degrees - seek it out. You will most likely hear it many times, but you get out of it what you put into it.My bio for masons reading this:I am a Brother Mason in Good Standing Coming Under A Tongue Of Good Report From Solomon Lodge No. 36 In Delaware, USA Which Was Constituted On The 28th of October, 1967 by the MWGL of DE. These are the Blue Lodges of Delaware . If you have questions other than that, call the GL of DE. Please take all questions regarding regularity to myspace messaging, I do not wish to clutter this page up with those questions. Thanks.It should be of mention that I am a posting member of Freemason Pride, and that is the only way this site is affilated with them. I did not create the message board but the administrator has said he doesn't mind me maintaining this site. This site was made with help from a friend.