FREEMASON PRIDE profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Fatherhood of God - Brotherhood of ManThanks to all who help contribute, encourage, read, look, write, add as friends, etc. If you are proud to be a freemason please "top 8" this page. It stands for honor.The Concept: The Freemason Pride message board was created by Brother Mark from Tennessee due to "a ripple effect of pride being in Masonry". Likewise, this site was created in that same vein. Freemasonry teaches value of God, Family, Self & Life. It teaches to improve you in these areas & to appreciate these areas.The Mission of this website is as follows:
To inform people of a friendly, family oriented masonic discussion forum & subforum ( Click here for the myspace group ).
To show that I am honored to be a member of this fraternity.
To help this Craft move forward as one.
To help people if they have a desire to become Freemasons.Please stop by the the message board. Its members continue to help me keep me on due course & are a testament to freemasonry.Forum Facts: The message board was officially started the 1st of October, 2005. What you will see if you click on the link now wasn't there until mid January of last year.We are an active message board dedicated to the discussion of Freemasonry. You will find information on Freemasons, York Rite, Scottish Rite, DeMolay, Job's Daughters, etc.
Among many things you can find masonic products , support, upcoming degree work , personal hopes, a place for prayer & of course Brotherhood.If you're looking to gain knowledge, stop on by.If you want the Freemason Pride banner on your site just copy & paste the information below (except don't have any spaces between the " Extended Network Banner made with! Click here to make your own!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in the civil discussion of freemasonry.

This is not meant to be a Tyled Lodge. In no way is this an 'internet' lodge for brethren to have a meeting at. If you want a Tyled Lodge find your local masonic hall!The real secret of Freemasonry is that there are no secrets... Still, we as Masons have vowed not to say what goes on during our initiations & within lodge. to paraphrase a Brother on the forum "It is not what the secret is that matters, but the keeping of that secret".With that being said and keeping to my belief that one must ask to become a member, if you have a sincere desire to know what goes on inside a lodge and during degrees - seek it out. You will most likely hear it many times, but you get out of it what you put into it.My bio for masons reading this:I am a Brother Mason in Good Standing Coming Under A Tongue Of Good Report From Solomon Lodge No. 36 In Delaware, USA Which Was Constituted On The 28th of October, 1967 by the MWGL of DE. These are the Blue Lodges of Delaware . If you have questions other than that, call the GL of DE. Please take all questions regarding regularity to myspace messaging, I do not wish to clutter this page up with those questions. Thanks.It should be of mention that I am a posting member of Freemason Pride, and that is the only way this site is affilated with them. I did not create the message board but the administrator has said he doesn't mind me maintaining this site. This site was made with help from a friend.

My Blog

Which one are you?

At least eight distinct streams of Masonic thought have emerged since 1717, (and possibly more), each "school" of thought on the nature of Freemasonry having its own particular advocates. Here is an a...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 02:26:00 GMT

The Craft & Its Symbols

"When a brother is in danger of any kind, it is your duty to advise him of his impending peril.  In doing so you must remember that it is not by your plumb line that you judge him, but by his and...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 00:36:00 GMT

The ideal mason

The Ideal Mason,"The old past master"Carl Claudy"So you think Brother Parkes is an ideal Mason, do you?" asked the Old Past Master of the Young Brother. "I like Brother Parkes, but before I gave assen...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 19:33:00 GMT


Readers & People interested in becoming a Freemason, Due to the increasing emails I have recieved to ask to become a Freemason I figured I would post a "blog" citing the requirements and contact i...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 09:35:00 GMT

The farmer's Almanac, 1823

The Farmer's Almanac, 1823 "The real Freemason is distinguished from the rest of Mankind by the uniform unrestrained rectitude of his conduct. Other men are honest in fear of punishment which the law ...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 07:31:00 GMT

What is an Entered Apprentice?

The following article was given graciously for me to put here by written permission from a Brother Gary Bond.  Thanks, Brother.  ------------------------------------------- Wh...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 10:21:00 GMT

It's About Time!

Brethren, I am speaking to you about the masonic publication: It's About Time! I am urging every Regularly Initiated mason from the Newest Entered Apprentice to the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 09:01:00 GMT

A Note About Mails

if you have anti masonic views please corrospond by email in a civil manner, thank you.  anything looking similar to this:"FUK FREEMASONS AND FUK THW ILLUMANTI U SIK FUKS"is not acceptable, intol...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 09:28:00 GMT