.a r l e n. profile picture

.a r l e n.

About Me

♥k so my name is Arlen ive been living breathing eating walking sleeping ... for 16 years :D im armenian , i dont have a bf..i go to laval catholic now known as laurier senior i think. but anyways...if you see me i would most probably be laughing ,,i laugh a lot a lil too much i think but its better to laugh then cry :)i tend to give dirty looks without knowing . I judge people before knowing them. ya its bad but GEEVE ,familly comes first no matter what ,, my friends mean the world to me :D i love soccer i love reading & taking walks :D i can be the biggest bitch when i have to but everybodys a bitch once in a while .i hate lil kids who think ther bigger then u haha like please GO FLY A KITE ! music is my life thers not 1 day i could go on without music :)i belive that everything happens for a reason so i dont regret anything that has happened in my life ..YOU have something to say ,say it . u talk shit behind my back thats great im glad i was the center of attention. :D . if ur actualy reading this then good i feel speacial :D NOW peace YO...

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Girls Are Like Apples On Trees The Best Ones Are At The Top Of The Tree. The Boys Don't Want To Reach For The Good Ones Because They're Afraid Of Falling And Getting Hurt. Instead They Just Get The Rotten Apples That Are On The Ground, That Aren't As Good, But Easy. So The Apples At The Top Think That There Is Something Wrong With Them, When In Reality, They Are Amazing. That Is Why We Just Have To Be A Little Patient And The Right Boy, The One Who Takes A Chance To Find The Good, Right Apple Will Come Someday... 3...




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