interests... guess this would be where i say i do eventing then, its a crappy sport that know one has heard of (its riding horses for those who dont no!) its good fun but kinda time consuming.
aughhhhhhhhh CHAD MICHEAL MURREY!!!!!!!! haha how doesn't erm... thats bout it mind u meating a alien could be pretty damn good fun!
i like loadsa different types of music an musicey people so i wont bore you by goin through every1 i like or dnt like... hows that sound!?
cinderella story(its a well gd film!!!!!!!!),love actually, saw an saw 2(even if i do get scardy!!), top gun,dirty dancing (wat girl doesn't!!!) erm.. an some more!!!
one tree hill and oc are the bestest ever ever ever ever!!! but holleyoaks rules aswell, quite like the reality shows liek x factor an that!