I am Cody Lee Landrum. Nineteen years on paper. A Full Time Graphic Designer. I am a Complex Individual, with an all or nothing approach to things. I am a proud owner of my own Design Collective DIGITAL ARCHITECTURE. I enjoy turning nothing into something. I am the former front-man of the band Seladora. A High School Drop-out.. Passionate. Driven. Plan to make it in the "biz". I Rock American Apparel, Vans, Polo & Aviators on a regular basis. Eating healthy, and staying in shape. I live in North Augusta, South Carolina and I love it. I'm proud to live in my parents basement. I probably talk to more people through Myspace, & email then in real life. I'm a music fanatic. [METAL] I plan to attend college sometime in 2010. I'm working on being a better person. ART IS MY HUSTLE! A Blogger. A Vocalist. A t-total Nerd. An unashamed Christian. A Friend.
View my Design Site: DIGITAL ARCHITECTUREView my Design Portfolio: CARBONMADE
"In order to understand my train of thought, you'll have to put yourself in my position. You can't expect me to think like you because my life isn't like yours. You know what I'm saying? If you don't understand that, then you don't understand English."