Besides spending time with my family...I LOVE doing custom work to my ride! My husband got me into it. We both share that passion. I always have been interested in doing it but never to my own. I have been working on my Focus. Trying to fix her up. Too many choices though. I can never make up my mind on what I wanna do. I know u guyz know what I'm talkin about that are into customizing your rides! Has to be that perfect style that fits who you are. Your style and personality! Its all good though! It will get there soon.
I'd like to meet:
Gosh there are so many people I'd like to meet. As far as celebrities...I'm more into the music scene. I'd love to meet Three6Mafia. I have alwayz loved there music! From underground to what they're doing now. They will alwayz be my favorite. I really would like to meet Eminem. He spits some real shit but has the playful side too. I love the controversay in him. He's very interesting! Last but not least TI grand hustle baby! TI has a great confidence about himself through his music. I love that he has this cocky thing about him. I love that. There are so many other artist I love as well. I give props to all of them for doin there thang. As far as people I'd actually see on the streetz I'd have to say someone that is laid back and just chill. Up for spontaneous things. A genuine person. Someone who you can trust and hang with for the most. No hatin or competition being put on. Just a true fuckin friend.
I love Hip Hop/Rap/Trap/Chopped & Screwed music! I listen to a little bit of R&B and pop too but I'm up for trying new sounds. At least give it a listen before I judge. We all have our own thang we wanna vibe to.
I like a combination of movies. I'd have to say one of my favorite movies is Belly and Boondock Saints. Who doesn't love the movie Scarface?! I liked that one. I'm down for those types of films. With a little added horror or scary films.
I love the Dave Chapelle show and Mind of Mencia. Gotta watch MTV. Can't live without it. I'm up for whatever is chill to watch. A lil South Park in the mix is good too. On my more serious side I love to watch Forensic Files.
I really don't read alot. Never really have. I do like to look at mags and read the articles on peoples rides. I enjoy looking at Lowrider Mag...pimp rides and beautiful woman! Can't beat that. Believe it or not my Lil Focus made it in the May 2006 issue of Lowrider. Just a small pic in the mailbox section. Thanx to my homeboy Frankie Loc for sending in the pic. The pic is horrible though. Also I like RIDES Mag. I love to look at the pimped out rides. My pipe dream is to one day get there!
I'd have to say me heroes are my husband a son. My husband has always been here for me through thick and thin. He treats me like a queen. I couldn't ask for anyone or anything better than what I have now with my family. They keep me going when everything seems tough and in all the good times. Seeing their faces and smiles when they see me. I feel the love from them. Kinda corny but I love it. They mean the world to me. Also the Higher Being that has brought me this far. Blessed me with what I have. I am thankful.