Playing sport,watching sport - especially the Toon, H'way the lads - although, we're not doing 2 well at the moment. What else... a good night out - laughing till your throat hurts, and a few shandys. I don't like rain, I do like snow... I don't Mondays, I do like Saturdays.
Cheryl Tweedy, Shearer, and the scum sucking dog that let the air out of my bike tyres!!----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- HERE'S ONE FOR THE LADS
 1. Yes = No
 2. No = Yes
 3. Maybe = No
 4. We need = I want
 5. I am sorry = you'll be
 6. We need to talk =
You're in trouble
 7. Sure, go ahead =
You better not
8. Do what you want = You will pay for this later
  9. I am not upset = Of course I
am upset, you moron!
10. You're certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think
 1. I am hungry = I am
 2. I am sleepy = I am
 3. I am tired = I am tired
 4. Nice dress = Nice
 5. I love you = Let's have
sex now
 6. I am bored = Do you
want to have sex?
 7. May I have this dance?
= I'd like to have sex with you
 8. Can I call you
sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you
 9. Do you want to go to a
movie? = I'd like to have sex with you
 10. Can I take you out to
dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you
 11. I don't think those
shoes go with that outfit = I'm gay
..[if !supportEmptyParas] ..[endif]
All sorts of crap. Love that song from the Citroen advert
Comedy, action. Just watched Pirates of the Caribbean - dead man's chest. Very dissappointing. Watched Batman Begins the other night - Surprisingly good. I don't think I've ever seen Gary Oldman playing a good guy! By the way, his sister is Little Mo from Eastenders!
LOST - best show on the box. Extras. Scrubs. Match of the day. Skysports.
FHM High Street Honey's. Started well, and had a great twist at the end.
Arnie. The Hoff. Shearer. Flintoff. My Mum & Dad (I love you more than Kerry... remember that in your will.)