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Shoplifters will be nailed!!
The legend of Go Ahead Rob Us !!! began a night 9 years ago when Anne shared her chewed gum with Stine.
With Annes body fluids we sealed an allience.
But it wasn’t untill years later, durring Anne’s exile in Iceland the magic began. It was in that period we made
the first cuts to the collective amusement park. We give rides for free at www.GoAheadRobUs.com
We believe in colored paper! We believe in orange socks! We believe in our right to educate long! We believe in
GOA hippies! We believe the dentist next door DO have gas even though she claims not to- we can smell it through
the cupboard! We believe in municipal decay! We believe in dirty dancing! We believe in Lodz! We believe in dust!
We believe in copies! We believe in Magic! We believe in birds in formation! We believe in bright mornings! We
believe in contributing to a socialistic state! We believe in irony as a resource! We believe in bikes, especially ones
with 2 pedal gears! We believe in The Shang Gri Las and the Ronettes! We believe in smelly farts! We believe in
thrift stores! We believe in the right to not to want to have kids! We believe in crafted stuff made by old women! We
believe in foreign affairs! We believe in Beyoncé! We believe in exploration! We believe in Baron von Münchhausen!
We believe in fabric! We believe in D.I.Y! We believe in colors brought together by coincidence! We believe in
interventions! We believe in late bloomers! We believe in the internet! We believe in West Africa! We believe in trade!
We believe Adobe Illustrator, prosperous Art Director’s formerly-known-as-graffiti- artists, and DJ’s equals the core
of EVIL!!!
Yours Truly: Anne Werner & Stine Tranekjær