[ParDon] my [5waGGy] profile picture

[ParDon] my [5waGGy]

iF a niGGa wAnT sUm H3 aiNt n3vA hAd..h3 gOtTa Do SuM h3 aiNt NeVa DiD...

About Me

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My Interests

now diz iza real special gurl...n her name iz chantavia...i been waitin 4eva 2 c diz gurl n wen i do c her i didnt speak 2 her...i waz so pist...i got mad luv 4 diz gurl real talk..luv ya chantavia:)diz my otha cuzo corey...we b at da crib watchn animal planet n national geographic lmao...diz my nigga sean rite hea...diz dude iz soo fuckn funny...n diz nigga laf iz crazy az hell lol...diz my boo jazzy...she go 2 nansemond but i still luv ya lol...im so glad i met her:)..diz my nigga lana...she funny az hell n she stay fly az hell...she gun b my nigga 4 lyfe:)diz my lil niggy alli...she swea she go hard but she dnt lol...but she kool az hell....diz my boo kaylyn...i luv diz gurl so much...iont go wita or nothn but diz one of my bes bes lady frendz...she kool...i been knoin her 4 lika year now but it seem like i been knoin her 4eva...luv ya kaylyn:)diz my nigga dora...i jus meta like um las mont?? but i guess u cud say we getn close lol...read my commentz we b carryin conversationz in spanish lol...we can talk n secret loldiz my sis poon...i look out 4 diz gurl cuz niggaz terble deze dayz...but i luv ya 4real poondiz my nigga mynesha...she soo dam slo but she kool doe...well 2 me newayz lmaodiz my um boo janelle...lol...i memba i meta ata game...lol...da bes nite of my lyfe...im so sorry i missed ya party boo:(diz my boo/nigga dee...i swea she a g 2 lol...she still cant beat me doe even doe she thank she can lolnow las but dam sho nuf not least...diz iz lyniece.....she funny az hell n she laf at erthang....i got mad luv 4 diz gurl:)diz my nigga monte...i swea diz da funniest nigga alive...dnt fuk witem doe cuz hell cuss u out ina min...lmaodiz my nigga chrystal aka stickz...diz gurl iz so dam crazy lol...her n corey b getn at each otha alda time loldiz my nigga lil tony...smart ass nigga yo lol..sorry 4 puttn ya biz out my nig but diz nigga got 5 Az n a B...a keep dat shit up yodiz my nigga jenay....umm yea...lol nah jp..she a kool chic n a gud frend...luvz ya

I'd like to meet:

diz my lil baby sis she one n sum change now...o n her name kaniyah...she may look cute but she can b agavatn loldiz my cuzo justin...he da koolest nigga n we jus chill at da crib n call da gurlz up lol...we pullem like itz nothn nigga loldiz da crew rite hea!!...(corey..justin...me..monte..shida...kaylyn...lil tony n chrystal)diz our otha pic we took at walmart...wat yall dnt kno iz dat we got kicked out afta dat lmao...got milk???....lmao...iont even kno whea i waz at lol


Name: kendal
Birthday: 5/8/????
Birthplace: elizabeth city, nc
Current Location: suffland, va
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: bout 6-6'1
Right Handed or Left Handed: rite
Your Heritage: str8 black....i thank
The Shoes You Wore Today: white dcz
Your Weakness: shit da hell if i kno
Your Fears: dam spidaz lol
Your Perfect Pizza:&..39;
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: get my gradez 2 wat dey shud b....dey aint dat bad doe now
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: 4real...lol....r u sers.....b sers.....itz alota shit i say
Thoughts First Waking Up: who numba ima get 2day
Your Best Physical Feature: lol....ax da ladiez
Your Bedtime: weneva
Pepsi or Coke: dnt matta
MacDonalds or Burger King: mcds...dnt matta 4real
Single or Group Dates: dnt matta....az long az i gota broad
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee:
Do you Smoke: nah
Do you Swear: cussin??? dam rite
Do you Sing: nah...i b tryn doe
Do you Shower Daily: b sers
Have you Been in Love: nah
Do you want to go to College: dam rite
Do you want to get Married: uhhh yeaa.....
Do you belive in yourself: dam rite
Do you get Motion Sickness: shit iono
Do you think you are Attractive: b sers....look at me.....dam rite i do
Are you a Health Freak: nah
Do you get along with your Parents: shit....sumtimez
Do you like Thunderstorms: dnt matta
Do you play an Instrument: yea....keyboard...drumz.....
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: nah
In the past month have you Smoked: nah
In the past month have you been on Drugs: nah
In the past month have you gone on a Date: uhh.....i wudnt kall it a date
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: dam rite
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: nah
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: nah
In the past month have you been on Stage: nah....
In the past month have you been Dumped: lol....yea....rite
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nah
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nah
Ever been Drunk: nah
Ever been called a Tease: lol nah
Ever been Beaten up: lol b sers
Ever Shoplifted: nah
How do you want to Die: shit.....iono......wen im old
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: iono.....sumthn doin wit art.....and business
What country would you most like to Visit: da onez wit da fine azz broadz
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: dnt matta 4real.....but i do like gurlz wit pretty eyez
Favourite Hair Color: dnt matta
Short or Long Hair: long hair....gota have sum 2 grab on 2 lol
Height: dnt matta
Weight: shit...no blokz
Best Clothing Style: rocawear...lrg....
Number of Drugs I have taken: none
Number of CDs I own: shit iono
Number of Piercings: one....da one dat b blingn n all my pix
Number of Tattoos: none
Number of things in my Past I Regret: shit iono



This profile was tweaked at MyspaceGeeks.com

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11--Ne.Yo--Say It ...