im pattoim a christian and worship with The Salvation Armyim actively involved and am a soldier with The Salvation Army if u dont know what that is wiki it
in 2008 im going The Salvation Army's School for Youth Leadership. Which is awesome to get accepted to, thanks for all you prayers. Praise God!Ive worked at McDoanlds, I go for Parramatta Eels, I grew up in Tamworth, Im 18 and im a Christian. My Love language is acts of service with also words of affirmation. So I often speak better through gifts and the things I do rather then words. Other things I try to do is to be thrifty, organized, and busy. Therefore as im going to sleep each night I usually look back on the day that was, seeing how much I achieved. I enjoy being with mates having fun, joking, riding my push bike, and travelling. Travelling can be such a amazing experience sometimes just the different places you can find are almost the same in some cases. Just to think that there could be another group at a school just like this , in another place. Amazing don’t you think? I believe I am patto the pole dancer. Just checking to see whether I haven’t put you guys to sleep. I believe, like the video on Wednesday, its all about others, praying, encouraging, talking to and putting first. I believe life should not be about material things for example Tv, clothes, or music. This I really got challenged about just before I came here, At the New Zealand Youth Congress. Before I left I probably watched 5hrs of tv a day, but over there I with 28 of my friends played board games and talked and different enjoyable activities. Through this when I got back I discovered I didn’t even miss or need tv. I believe once an experience like this here, at the school for youth leadership is over, you should not be sad that its over but be happy that you got to do it. I believe that you should let today shape tomorrow. Don’t worry about what tomorrow will bring, God will take care of that, just worry about today. I believe you should tell people how much you love and appreciate them. Though I believe you should not live by others peoples thoughts and feelings about you but live by faith. I believe God has a plan for me and you. I believe Jesus is my savior and yours, im my life you are everything. I believe I am the love child of Ronald McDonald and Kochie.