-Being Mexican takes up most of my time.
-The internet makes me simultaneously as stupid as a soup sandwich and smarter than a tree full of owls.
-I am very proficient in HTML (How To Make Love)
-Honesty gets me in trouble sometimes.
-Long Island is a place where they tear out the trees & then name streets after them.
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A rabbit who pulls a magician out of a hat. A llama. But only if his name is Dalai. The people who stalk my profile. Suzy Homemaker. Carrot Top's barber. The lady who does the voice on the phone and tells you to "please press one if you speak english". People who actually laugh like "muahaha" in real life.The quality control manager of a jock strap company.People and animals. and aliens are cool, too.
I love Rock- Death Metal-Black Metal-Dance-Electronica- Oldies-Spanish Romantics- ETC...
V For Vendetta-Million Dollar Baby-Blood In Blood Out- Face Off-Talladega Nights-Jackass #2-The Guardian-The Illusionist-The Prestige-
SouthPark-The Simpsons-Friends-Frasier-EverBody Loves Raymond- Futbol Liga Mexicana-
This is not a book this is me---I only commit hate crimes !!!!!
No heroes only Enemies! El infierno hierbe y el Diablo Mayor se DispiertaRolando Hernn Cristante Mandarino Paulo Csar Da Silva Barrios Ariel Javier Rosada Israel Lpez Hernndez Manuel Alejandro De la Torre Urbina Rodrigo Ezequiel Daz Erick Oswaldo Espinoza Delgadillo Antonio Naelson Matas Vicente Martn Snchez Bragunde Csar Amado Lozano Figueroa Miguel ngel Almazn Quiroz Edgar Esteban Dueas Peaflor Josu Castillejos Toledo Sergio Amaury Ponce Villegas Emilio Hassan Viades Slim Hctor Uzziel Lozano Melchor Diego Javier De La Torre Mucio Juan Carlos Nuez Orozco Jos Manuel Abundis Sandoval Jos Manuel Cruzalta Cruz Edgar Garca Ledezma Carlos Esquivel Silva Adalberto Palma Ruiz Galindo Ivn Castillejos Toledo Ismael Valadez Arce Francisco Gamboa Gmez Salvador Reyes Ruiz Amrico Rubn Gallego