vicious profile picture


i'm in for life... anyway you look at it.

About Me

OK I DO WHAT I DO AND DRESS HOW I DRESS REGARDLESS OF WHAT ANYONE SAYS, I TRY TO DO WHATS RIGHT AND SOMETIMES I FAIL BUT AT LEAST I TRY... that being said...i'm an ex nazi. yes thats right i said nazi. but i have learned my lesson BIG TIME and realized that particular scene is NOT for me... IN ANY WAY. so i left and did my own thing for a while and it's been cool. but since i left all that shit i found myself missing something. it was NOT the politics, and it was NOT the race related shit. It was the brothers and sisters, it was the comradery. It was being around people who know or at least tried to understand what honour and pride mean. it was the music... i missed the skinhead lifestyle but i didn't want all the politics. i did not know too much about the traditional skinhead lifestyle, i only knew of sharps, which i did not want at all, again with the politics. so i did some reading and kept coming across stuff about trads. i have realized that is where i fit in. so basiclly here i am, very new to this scene and trying to meet others. so yeah... haha so theres a partial life story hahaha you still awake?

My Interests

i like going to shows, i like music... a lot. and cartoons.

I'd like to meet:

Which Norse God are You?

You're Tyr! God of war you are very serious and brave. You gave your hand to bind the wolf Fenris. You believe in justice and fairness overall.
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What Type of Skinhead are You?
You're just a SKINHEAD.ahhhhh. forget all of the labels and the politics, you're just a skinhead plain and simple. that's the best kind.
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hardcore, rockabilly, psychobily, punk, ska, reggae, non shitty electronic... i can't possibly put down all the bands i like... maybe later


fight club, freddy got fingered, boondock saints,anything tim burton, jesus christ superstar(don't ask haha,), the wall, the punk rock movie, a lot of music documentaries or live performances on dvd. i'll add more later.


dragonballz, anime, basiclly adult swim, so you think you can dnace and ballroom dancing (shhhhhh), mr. rogers is an all time favorite... no joke transformers and sifl&olly, i also like the henry rollins show, and ren and stimpy...


are you there god, it's me margaret, the full family circus and cathy collections,romance novels and everybody poops.


my grandfather, fred rogers, the deceptacons (original lineup, no beast wars, thanks), sid vicious, vegeta, baby firefly, trent reznor...

My Blog

tag game.... oh man

so i was tagged.... yadda yadda yadda.... i have to write 6 werid habits i have or weird things about me. and then i have to tag 6 others who will have to do the same...  this game is pretty fuck...
Posted by vicious on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 11:50:00 PST