honesty is key so i might as well be honest.
obviously im not perfect and i dont expect myself to be.
and i dont expect anyone else to, either.
im my own worst critic
but i hate when im criticized and i dont react well to it
im the kind of person where if you tell me not to do something, i want to do it that much more
pretty much i hate being told what to do
most of the time even if i can see that it would be better if i just listened
i love my friends dearly and ive been trying to show them that more
ive gone through hard times before and in the past ive distanced myself somewhat from the people i love most
when i should just realize that i should do the exact opposite
im pretty passive/aggressive
i consider myself a laid back person with a hot temper
(a mixture of both of my parents)
i suck at telling people how i feel
probably because it never comes out right
and its easier to just keep quiet about it
i never make first moves even though i should
i underestimate and overestimate myself frequently
i go through phases where im prone to self destructive behavior
but i usually have the best intentions
i learn as i go, so i usually learn the hard way
sometimes more than once
i love to travel to places ive never been and places that feel like home
i take risks without realizing theyre risks
i love my family but they drive me crazy
my self esteem goes from up to down and from down to up daily, sometimes hourly
i get embarrassed alot and then i blush
then i get embarrassed that my face is red so i blush more
its a vicious cycle
i try to live life day to day because
1) i suck at planning things and
2) you cant plan for good or bad things to happen in life
i pretty much go with the flow of whatevers going on
im intimidated easily
my laugh can get obnoxious
and i have a 'unique' sense of humor most of the time
(which means i sometimes am the only one laughing)
i think its funny when people assume i like r&b
i dont see how i look or act like i would
but then again i dont look like the kind of person that enjoys hardcore music (or any other genre that branches from it)
which i do, alot. think what you want of that.
because frankly i dont care.
im extremely indecisive
so i usually just go with my impulse
i go from introversion to extroversion so much you might get confused
im a nice person but sometimes im shy so thats usually taken as me being bitchy or stuck up
i get really upset when people think badly of me
im really generous when i have things like money, a car, gas, anything
but if you take advantage of it, and never return kindness, ill either get pissed or just drop you
sorry, but i dont think thats uncalled for
im surrounded by high expectations
sometimes i get stressed out
other times im carefree
theres sides of me some people have never seen
and i will most likely surprise you
because i surprise myself everyday