My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...I can't wait to see him face to face...I can't begin to imagine- gives me the shivers. :)
I'd like to meet Other people who are living their lives for Christ...people that I can share this passion with, people that I can connect with and talk with about how amazing He is. I'd also like to meet the guy who thought up Big Red...I love that drink.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Here ArE a few PiCs of Me and mY FamILiA... I aM QuiTe PoSSIbly the LucKiest GirL In tHe WholE WorlD To HaVe suCh aN AmaZinG AmAzIng FaMilY... I loVe TheM LikE WhoA, NitRo, LikE WhoA!!!
So, I'm kind of a RandOm and StrAngE KinD of GaL I SUppoSe, So HeRe Are A FEw tHiNgs I LLLLLove...
Tattoos... I waNt A HalF SleEve...
I LoVe anYThinG JapaNEse... BecaUsE I AM!!! yay!
CRAZY, but fabulous SoNG...