I'm a Greek/Canadian proletarian, thinker, smoker, rocker, rebel and sinner. Guess I'm here to be like everyone else so people will stop saying I'm anti-social. Which I'm not!!!.
I swear, so fuck you!!!! Eccentric?....maybe, open minded with a dose of conservatism...definately. I just don't like where we're headed as a society. Conforming to the standards set forth by religion and state long time ago, does not reflect my reality today. Screw conformity. I dislike beeing lied to, by the very people we elect to take care of us. But hey!!!, as long as we have reality T.V. and CSI whatever....there's nothing wrong in our world!!. Right???
So what if they take our liberties away with the common "It's for your security" line. It's all good. Isn't it? Gotta love the media baby. Nothing but quality. Hmmm,...instead I think I'll start caring about the latest cell phones or which celebrity did what with whom and when.
......Yeah...that oughta numb the brain a little.
And if that don't work, there's always Myspace....LOL.
Guess some of us weren't meant to fit in.
In any case, go find and download the song: Everybody's free to wear sunscreen by Baz Luhrman, and listen to it every once in a while. It just might help put some shit in perspective.
P.S. If you're a Sisters fan, I have a little site you might find interesting:
http:// floodland.netfirms.com