Every sport that currently exsists, the beach, cooking delicous food, fiesta fridays, heavy petting, sometimes i like to treat myself real nice, going out and partying every now and again, dogs, monday fundays, taking showers..you can never be too clean, DVD's..but not the theater, driving fast...i wanna go fast, taking chances, road sodas..although not so much anymore, dance machine,
SEXY LADIES"Great Tasting, Less Filling, Miller Lite""Vote Republican, It's Easier Than Thinking
Anything classic rock, Rolling Stones, O.A.R., Slightly stoopid, Pepper, Atmosphere, JOHNNY CASH, 80's rock, Tom Petty, Country, and im pretty sure that just about covers it.
A Whole Lot of em
Sports, sports, and sports. Standup comedy, king of queens, entourage, weeds
books?? Not sure ive ever ran into one of those, ill have to check that out.
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