Established in an unknown time, the Biscuit Tin was once an old, rectangle shaped orange brick house overlooking the tranquil river in St. Lucia, Brisbane. The past of this place is unknown...but early in 2006, this once ordinary building, became a home for 6 slightly quirky, a dash of deranged and a side order of peculiar individuals. The Biscuit Tin...was born. Now...home to 2 girls, 4 guys, a fighter fish, two rats, a car called pugsley, a scooter, dallas dragon the motorbike, a sleek silver motorbike machine, numerous scrub turkeys and a partridge in a pear tree. our story...And now, after a year of burning bushes, drug dealings, crazy parties and evicting chimps, The Biscuit Tin has settled on the FINAL FIVE: