I have fought in many wars, against many foe of different conflicts though I have failed many times my back is still strong and my will unfalterd, for there requiem lies all about. The only balance is I have been closer to a heaven than you will ever know. I am a man who has walked a million miles, only to stand at this point before you; some of you can not see me. I will not waste my time telling you why, some of you do not have eyes to see me for you have been trained like chiwawas in lil purses and yet there are a very few who I morn the loss very heavily for it is I who hide from you and your eyes. .I am not a fish in the a bowl called myspace.I will seek out you who may help to enlighten my soul ..My writings should only be viewed by those that are truly capable of understanding the whisperings that I speak. Do to many twist and turns in this so called American life, a simple understanding of the reality as we all perceive it to be has befallen me....bliss is a drug made of ignorance and stupidity. Infect me not with your lies and blasphemy.-NO REST
P.S. If you can live with that than I am the coolest cat ever.